21: cuddle

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The three had snuck back inside the palace safely. hoseok left to his room while jungkook and taehyung stayed in the hallway to say goodnight. 

"even if it was short i ad fun going outside the walls" taehyung said.

"im glad it was."

"shall we go to the city later? maybe buy fun things and have street food" taehyung asked feeling exited for that.


"yay" taehyung smiled. but then he sighed as he had to go to bed.

"Goodnight?" jungkook said a bit questioning.

"yea......goodnight" taehyung didnt want the other to leave yet he wanted to be more around jungkook.

the knight nodded and turned around to walk to the door where the knight rooms were.

"wait!" taehyung said stopping jungkook.

the knight turned around.

"s-sleep with me. and cuddle"  taehyung felt his cheek heat up asking it. 

Taehyung waited for a answer. he felt his heart racing when jungkook started smiling and walking back to him.

"i would like that" jungkook said. 

"yes, okay..uhm lets go" taehyung was suprised that jungkook agreed so easy. he was happy and he was searching for the words.


the two had secretly sneaked to taehyungs room. jungkook was undressing and hiding his chlothes and sword under taehyungs bed. he will just sleep in his shirt and boxers for this night. 

he then looked at taehyung who was sitting in the bed his legs covered by the bedsheets. a silky grey color. he was wearing a long shirt till his knees. the neckline had a silver shimmering edge.

Jungkook smiled. how was it possible that this beautiful boy liked him.  taehyung actually liked him back. he still couldnt believe it. 

"come" taehyung said and patted the spot next to him. he was feeling sleepy and wanted to have jungkook here already.

the knight didnt wait longer before getting under the soft covers next to the prince.

taehyung scooted closer making their bodys touch. he looked up with a smile and soft hazel eyes. wrapping one arm around jungkook.

Jungkook smiled back warmly and pulled taehyung completely against him holding him tightly in his arms. 

"goodnight Jungkookie"  taehyung said feeling safe and warm in the knights arms.

"night taehyung"


the next morning Jungkook was the first to wake up. he gently caressed taehyungs brown hair. smiling at the boy in his arms.

he looked so pure and innocent. and one day he will be king. 

jungkook didnt want to se him hurt or afraid. jungkook was getting more attached to taehyung than he should.

"i promise to stay at your side"  jungkook said and pecked taehyungs hair. it was time for him to get dressed and get to his training without being seen.

he got up and gathered all his stuff from under the bed. he looked at taehyung who was moving around before he dissapeared into the bathroom.

Taehyung was awake once jungkook left the bed. missing the warmth and protection of the knight around him.

he frowned and sat up rubbing his eyes. but as soon he did that there was a knock on the door and it opened.

"morning Prince taehyung" It was Hyanna. taehyung smiled and sighed in relief. he didnt heard jungkook left the bathroom yet.

"morning Hyanna" taehyung said.

"hello tae" a other voice joined. it was yoongi.

"a-ah hyung" taehyung said suprised.

"whats wrong, cant i see you in the morning?" yoongi asked lifting a brow when he got a unusual response from his brother.

"no of course"

"annyhow i actually came to tell you your future husband is comming over and you will be spending your time with him, get to know him and stuff" yoongi said putting his hands in his pocket, he looked at hyanna who was putting a nice outfit together for taehyung.

"oh....." taehyung said and slumped his shoulders. he didnt want to, he hoped to do something fun with jungkook. maybe read in the library. or walk outside.

"fathers rules tae. see you at breakfast dont be late"

"i know"

yoongi walked out and closed the door. 

"come on we have to get you ready, go brush your teeth" hyanna said getting on with her job.

suddenly the bathroom door opened and jungkook walked out fully dressed and ready.

"oh..hi" he said looking at hyanna.

"isnt this....jeon?" she asked looking between taehyung and jungkook.

"uhmm..yes" taehyung said. to his suprise hyanna just smiled.

"i wont tell the king. dont worry. your secrets are safe with me."

"thanks.." taehyung said and looked at jungkook.

"i will get going now" the knight said and opened the bedroom door walking out.

"bye bye" 


taehyung had attended breakfast and was now talking with his father waiting. meanwhile someone stood in taehyungs room.

the person walked around and noticed something poking from under the bed. the person bend down and took whatever it was.

it was a glove.

and seeing the initials inside the glove.. JJK

"jeon Jungkook hmm" the person said and chuckled. 

"i see how it is taehyung.."

the person put the glove in his pocket and walked out of the room closing the door like nothing happend.


The story will get more interesting now and things happening. So no more boring things i think..

Thank you for reading, see u at the next chapter!

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