11: speech

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Taehyung was in his room prepairing himself for the speech he had to do today.

A week had passed and he had prepaired his sentences well.
He would sit in the garden with junkook talking about nothing specific.

He was getting closer to him. He felt like he finnaly had someone he can talk to and be around with. Becasue Jungkook was the only one allowed to that near the young prince.

"are you ready Prince?" hyanna

"its Taehyung. And no im not ready"  taehyung said with a sigh. Hynanna had placed the iron with diamond decorated hair prop in his  hair.
She was now starting on his make up.

"how so?" she asked.

"i dont want this, i dont want this whole thing. I hate it. Why does he do this?" taehyung complained. He was almost 20 in, one week actually.

His father had planned everything for him. Not letting taehyung to have a say in it.

"Taehyung" yoongi walked inside his room. He was dressed in his outfit but then with a sword at his side. He was a knight after all.

Why was he allowed to do what he wanted And taehyung not?

"yes hyung?" taehyung said nit moving his face while hyanna did his eyes.

"your father wants to speak with you before the announcement" yoongi said looking at hyanna who was doing her job.

"i see, i will go when im done here" taehyung said and sighed.

"alright" yoongi then left closing the door. He walked through the big hallway going towards the stairs.

"prince yoongi!" someone shouted. Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned around.

"hoseok" he said seeing the big smiley knight walk towards him.

"where are you going?" hoseok asked and walked next to yoongi.

"nothing much, just waiting for the speech hour"

"i see. So you are free now?"


"oh, but you just said-"

"not free for you" yoongi said with a grin and hoseok pouted.

"you are mean" the Knight said.

"only to you"

"now i feel special" Hoseok smiled and yoongi chucked shaking his head.

"can you not"

"you know, you said you didnt want to hang out with me. But you already spend 6 minutes of your time on me"

"..." yoongi didnt respond as they walked down the stairs.

Hoseok laughed and smiled feeling he had a victory. One day he will confess to the Prince. But now was not the time. He needs to get closer to him first. But yoongi was a stubborn and annoying person.

Well he was annoying to hoseok, most people he would just ignore.


"yes father?" taehyung said as he opened the door to the kings room. He saw his father and Namjoon were talking.

"did you prepaire the lines i gave you?" he asked turning to his son. Taehyung just nodded.

"good, i expect the best of you"

"as always" Taehyung mumbled with a sigh.

"what was that?"

"nothing father"

PRINCE •{vkook}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin