Chapter 16

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"Good morning, Sakusa-chan!"

"Good morning"

"Morning Sakusa-chan!"


"Lovely weather today, right, Sakusa-chan?"

"Indeed. Yes"

"Do you want me help you carry all that, Sakusa-chan?"

"No need. It's just papers"

"Looking very beautiful as always, Sakusa-chan!"


The older Sakusa, scrunch his face under his mask, as the male population of their class and some of the other classes followed his sister outside the room to the faculty. Komori chuckle at his cousin's expression and the blunt answers his other cousins replies. He knew the older is always very overprotective with his little sister, he too, but not at the same intense as the older Sakusa, who watch her like a hawk 24/7.

"Kimiko-chan is sure popular with the boys~"

"Disgusting rodents..."

"Now now, Kiyoomi. Y'know Kimiko won't even bat an eyelash at them. She already have a boyfriend"

"Another disgusting rodent...."

Kimiko sat back at her chair, in the middle of his brother and cousin. She slump at her chair and pull out her phone, checking if her boyfriend sent any messages. She blink when none can be seen in her inbox, she turn it off and put it back to her pocket.

"Atsumu didn't send any texts?"

"Yeah, I guess he still have classes. He'll text later on"

Sakusa huff and cross his arms.

"Maybe he's too busy, having his hands occupied with a whore?"

Kimiko laugh at her brother's comment, seemingly unbodered.

"Hahaha, if that were to happen, Osamu-san would have told me right now"

"Osamu? The other twin?" Komori ask.

"Yeah, he would tell me if Atsumu's making any funny moves~"

"How can you tell he's really telling you the truth?"

"He's the one who suggest it, and I can tell the guy is very reliable. And is not that bad, having a long distant relationship, where I can't supervise my boyfriend is hard. So why not having someone else to keep a watch on him for me? It's even better that it's his twin brother, no?"

Sakusa and Komori look at each other before switch their gaze at the girl.

'She planned all of that!? A girl who's only new to dating!?'

Kimiko felt a vibration in her pocket. She fish her phone out and open it, a message from her boyfriend can be seen at the screen.

To: Miko-chan♡♡♡

From: Tsumu♡

"Kimiko-chan! Starting next week our team will be training at the mountains! I don't want to go! There's no reception there, I can't communicate with Kimiko-chan! But Kita-san said it's needed, and he's scary when he's mad! It's friday today! We also have practice on saturday! I only have little time to spend with Kimiko-chan! I don't like it at all! I won't be able to talk with Miko-chan for a week, the coaches are confiscating our phones! I can't handle that more than Suna. And we're practicing till late today, Kimiko-chan~~~!!! (T^T)"

Kimiko blink at the overdramatic message. What the hell can she do to that? She understand that's mandatory for a team. Nationals are only two weeks away after all, many teams are working their butts off, same with her team.

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