Chapter 3

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One day left before the youth camp, and being one of the coaches I have to be there one day early to discuss the players training so I have to arrive there tomorrow, according to the text I recieve from one of the staff that works for the youth camp. Though I'm pretty much sure I'm just an assisstant coach there, well good enough for me. I can still analyze the players for future purposes.

I am currently packing my things for tomorrow, we are staying for one week their, staying at the dorms provided by the camp.

As I zip my bag, a knock was heard followed by my brother entering. He look all over my room before entering. He's wearing his pajamas and awe the bunny slippers I got him from christmas.

"Nii-chan do you need something?"
He walk closer and hand me a couple of things.

A box of medical mask, gloves, and a giant bottle of alcohol.

I just stare at them blankly before facing my brother, handing it back to him.

"Thanks, but no"

He push it back at me, we're actually shoving it at each other.

"Take it with you. Who knows how many kind of germs lurking there"

"I said no. This won't even fit in my bag"

"Then carry it with another bag"

"I don't wanna, to much luggage"

"You both stop that now and go to sleep. Kimiko don't you need to leave early tomorrow?"

Mom interupt us both at my doorway.

"Tell that to your son!"

"Kiyoomi let your sister rest, you have early practice too don't you?"

He stop and glared at me, I just smirk at him. He step back carrying the stuff and went out the door.

"Fine. Go catch deadly germs for all I care"

Mom and I just look at him as he slam his bedroom door, facing each other we smile and snicker.



"Well see you tomorrow"


Today my brother drop me off to the station, despite the station being crowded. And I got to say I'm touch, Sakusa Kiyoomi a guy who doesn't like crowds, drop her darling precious little sister off.

'But pretty sure he'll take a shower once he get to school later'

Boarding the train I sat down and look at my phone, checking the address of the camp. It's not that far only two stops and that's it.

I slump back and gaze up at the sky. What beautiful day it is, you can see the bright blue. I smile when the train stop at my destination, departing the train I make my way to the gym.

As I enter I was welcome by Fuki Hibariba, the representative coach for this youth camp.

"Oh you must be Sakusa Kimiko, yes?"

"H-hai. Nice to meet you!"

I accept the handshake that was offered. He guide me inside the gym.

"Do you know why you where chosen to be here despite not being a player?"

"Um, no but my coach said I'll be a coaching here, but I figured that I'll just be assissting....."

"Yes, that's right. You'll be my assisstant coach this week"

"But. Why me?"

"You're the one who coach Itachiyama when they face against Inarizaki at Inter High, right?"

"O-oh, yes..."

I did coach the team, our coach couldn't make it because of some emergency, so he called me to coach the team instead.

"I saw so much potential in you, so I invited you to be my assisstant coach in this youth camp"

"I'm greatful to be here"

I smile up at him with so much gratitude. We soon reach inside with the other staff members, and discuss about how the training will be.

After that one of the staff show me my room and taught me tge directions of the baths and the cafeteria.

I lay down on the queen size bed, heaving a sigh. The room is huge there is a bathroom and a couch inside.

I took out the documents of the participants, and analyze them. I was shock when I saw Miya Atsumu's picture.

'So he's been invited too, huh'

I scan more till I saw my brother's picture.

'Hahaha even in pictures he still scowls!'

Tomorrow I'll be the one welcoming the players, much to my dismay, I don't like meeting new people but duty calls, so I have to suck it up.

'Hm? Kageyama Tobio?'

I look at his picture, black hair, dark blue eyes.

"I think I've seen him before in a sport magazine"

I end my pondering and arrange the papers. I open my bag to get some clothes and was shock at what's inside.

Face mask. Gloves. Alcohol. Wet wipes.

I sigh as I take out the contents, Nii-chan must had put them all in when I was asleep last night. He even add some wipes. I let out a little laugh as I read the small note attach to the alcohol.

'Don't catch the germs'

"Hahaha. Such a caring germaphobe older brother"

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