Chapter 4

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Today is the day for the players across japan would come in Tokyo for the All Japan Youth Camp. Some players are already there, some interacting with others. Kimiko at the side checking all equipments that's going to be use.

"Omi-kun? When did you became short?"

Kimiko heard a voice behind her, but paid no mind to it.

"Hm~ Omi-kun ignoring me now? How cold"

This time someone tap her shoulder, making her turn around, with a confuse face.

"Omi-kun?" Kimiko point at herself with her head tilted.

"W-wha!? Omi-kun!? You turned into a girl!?"

The person behind Kimiko is no other than Miya Atsumu. The latter is pointing at her with a shock look.

"Excuse me? I believe you got the wrong person"

"S-sorry you just look like-"

Atsumu was cut by a cold and irritating voice.

"Oi, Miya get away from my sister"

The two turn to look at tge owner of the voice. There stand Sakusa Kiyoomi, with his usual face mask, but both can see a scowl underneath it.

"Nii-chan you're finally here" Kimiko smiled and hug Sakusa's arm. The latter just grunt.

Atsumu relax his expression as he observe the two siblings. Kimiko happily smiling while hugging her brother's arm, while the said brother just have his poker face.

'Wow, look at that difference. They do look the same, but personality wise, very different. Not like Samu and I are any different'

"You're Miya Atsumu, right?"

Atsumu look at Kimiko, and gave one of his playboy grin and offer her a handshake.

"Yes, that's me. May I know the name of Omi-kun's sister?"

Unaffected by his smile, Kimiko just introduce herself in a calm manner.

'Oh so he's that kind of type huh'

"Sakusa Kimiko, nice to meet you-"

Just when she was about to grab his hand, her brother smack it away startling the two.

"Don't get your germs on my sister Miya"

"N-nii-chan don't be rude, he's just introducing himself"

"Hmp" Sakusa grab a sanitizer from his pocket and put some on his hands, he also grab Kimiko's and put some on it.

Atsumu just watch as Kimiko pout at his brother.

'Cute. What what now?'


A sound of a whistle echoes through the gym, coach Hibariba call everyone to gather.

"Ah, it's time. Let's go"

The three start to walk towards the coach. Kimiko let his brother go on first, creating a distance. She the turn to Atsumu and held out her hand with a tiny smile.

"I'm sorry for my brother's action earlier. But let me start over, I'm Sakusa Kimiko, nice to meet you, Miya-san"

Atsumu stare at her and then her hand, before taking it. He put on a smile, though Kimiko can see that it was fake.

"Nice to meet you too, Kimiko-chan~"

She stare at him and nod her head.

"Please excuse me now"

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