Chapter 2

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This couple of months has been very eventful. Other than the lessons, which is easy for me, being the manager of the volleyball club is fun.

On the first day, I met Komori Motoya. I fake my shock as I look at my brother.

"You have friends??"


My brother glared at me before going inside the room. I then learned that Komori is the team's libero and also the top libero on the country.

I got to meet interesting people when we played at the inter high, and we're very much delighten when we won the championship against Inarizaki. I admit the team is strong and not to mention they have the top setter on their team, Miya Atsumu, but along with his brother Miya Osamu, they are a pair to be reckon with.

I discover that there this one player who caught my brother's interest. Ushijima Wakatoshi, the ace and captin of Shiratorizawa. He is also one of the top three aces along with my brother. It seems my brother respect the guy greatly as a player.

And there this other guy who pester my brother, Bokuto Koutarou, he is also the ace and capatin of Fukurodani, one of the neighbooring school here in tokyo and one of the top five aces.

Funny thing is whenever we have a practice match against them Nii-chan will go hide somewhere before the opposing team gets here, trying to hide from the owl captain.

Yup that's my life this couple of months being a student in Itachiyama.


Today is just like any normal day in Itachiyama Academy.

The volleyball team are in the gym doing their usual practice, they had just finished the Spring tournament, them being the first representative of Tokyo along with Fukurodani and Nekoma.
The coach enter the gym, signaling that practice is over and to gather around for an announcement.

"I have recieve a message. Sakusa, Komori you both got invited to All Japan Youth Intensive Training Camp"

The team cheer for them, Sakusa with his usual poker face, and Komori rubbing his neck with an embarrass blush.

Kimiko just smile as she scan through her clip board.

"Quiet! They are not the only one who is also invited"

"Eh??" The team turn to their coach confuse.

"Who else is going?" Komori ask.

The coach smile and turn to Kimiko, all heads snap their heads also. Kimiko is too busy in her work that she didn't even notice the stares.

"Kimiko" the girl flinch once she look up, finally noticing the gaze that sent her way.

"Y-yes, coach?"

"You're also invited to the Youth Camp, to be one of the coaches there"

"Eh? Really?"


She look at her team, they congratulate her along with the other two, she thanks all of them, with a smile.

After that, they are now allowed to go home. Kimiko arrange some documents while waiting inside the gym for her brother to finish showering.

"Sigh. Once we get back home, he'll just shower again before going to bed" she mumble to her self.

"Of course I would"

She flinch when he heard his voice, looking at the door her brother standing with all his glory, clothes covering him from head to toe.

"Hurry up"

"Hai, hai~"

Kimiko quickly pack everything in her backpack, she stood up and went outside, locking the door. She could feel her brother's gaze boring at the back of her head. She sigh before taking out a hand sanitizer rubbing it in her hands.
She raise both hand at her brother who check them, after earning a nod she smile and began to walk.

"Let's go Nii-chan"



Kimiko stop her tracks, turning to her brother, who shove a medical mask at her face.


"Hm, better. Let's go"

Kimiko rub her masked face while catching up to her brother, rolling her eyes when he look at her.

"So, Youth camp huh"

"What about it?"

She pout at her brother's disinterest, but dissmiss is, a smile on her lips.

"Wonder what kind of people I'll get to meet"

"Just don't catch their germs"

Lutching her arm around his brother's, Kimiko laugh.

"Haha you germaphobe freak"

"I hate you"

"I love you too, nii-chan!"

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