Two guards grabbed the handles of a door that led to the dining hall. They pulled the doors towards them for the pair to walk into the room.

Sophie thanked them and smiled before looking into the room.

A long table met them with a large candelabra in the center of the table. Chairs lined the sides of the dark wood. In them sat the people she would soon call her family.

"Hello, darling." Fitz smiled and greeted them.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWE!" Keefe responded immediately. "The Fitzter does love me. I might just cry."

"I was talking to Sophie."

All humor left the room.

"First name basis? 'darling'? Did you smile? Explain." Keefe looked between the two suspiciously.

"We're engaged," Sophie explained begrudgingly.

Silence fell over Keefe as he seemed to break down. But he bounced back and began speaking again. "SO SHE'S WHO YOURE MADLY IN LOVE WITH!"

Alden and Della shook their heads. "Why is he like this?" Alden asked.

Fitz chuckled as Sophie walked towards an empty chair next to Fitz and sat down. He looked at her and smirked slightly. "Why yes, love of my life."

Sophie turned bright pink. "I hope you'll see that this is an arranged marriage. I've never met you in my life. There is no way you love me."

"Your parents loved you when they just met you, didn't they?"

"The Dutch and Dutchess fell in love with the idea of a daughter. An heir. I'm not even of their blood."

Breakfast ended as soon as it began. Sophie picked at her food and and couldn't force anything down. She felt on the verge of vomiting.

She really felt ready to vomit when Keefe walked up to her outside of the dining hall.

"Leaving so soon, princess?" He asked from behind her. He grabbed her hand, spinning her and dipping her so she was facing him. "What a shame you won't continue to grace us with your beauty."

"I'm not I'm the mood, your highness," Sophie said in an annoyed tone. She tried to get free, but it was no use.

"Awwwe come on." He sighed and loosed his grip on her, letting her stand. "I'm bored and you seem entertaining."

"I assure you," she started, fixing her dress. "I am far from it."

"By saying that you make me more interested. Tell me your highness, you seem different. What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything. You're foolish to believe I am anything but."

"Sophie, I know something's up. If not, wrong."

A man cleared his throat from behind Keefe. They faced it and found the prince.

"Princess," Fitz said. "Would you mind joining me in my office? Alone?"

He added the last part when she walked towards him and Keefe joined.

"Of course." She smiled, thankful for her escape from the all too joking man.

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