"You're okay. You're feeling their absence one by one. Push through it as best as you can. You aren't alone." Quentin's voice invading my thoughts is a warm welcome until I processed his words. Now I sort of wish he hadn't said anything, and let me continue to believe I was just injured internally. Knowing Quentin is also feeling what I am isn't helping me cope, but it's helping me push forward.

Two rogues lunge towards me at the same time, but this is a extremely basic defense strategy. It's one of the first lessons you learn, so why are these rogues going for the obvious kill? I remember during our attack they were much more skilled than this, but than again not all of these rogues were apart of that.

Howls, Snarls, and growls fill the air signaling that rogues and warriors have started to shift. They weren't supposed to until it was absolutely necessary, so it isn't a good sign especially considering the new wave of rogues that just joined the fight.

I look over to see Jasper struggling with a unnervingly large rogue. He dodges a punch aimed for the side of his head but it was a distraction from the real punch which nails him right in the nose knocking him to the ground. Without thinking I take a step forward only to be thrown a good ten feet landing on the hard ground.

"Fuck!" I hiss clutching my left arm while rolling onto my right side to push myself back up. Oliver helps me stand back up while two warriors cover us.

"This is going to hurt like a bitch." His eyes are frantic as he gently takes my arm into his hands and pops my shoulder back into its socket. "You good?" He looks me over for any other injuries, but I brush him off.

"I'm fine." I clench my jaw because my shoulder is still extremely sore, but we don't have time to discuss my feelings. I thank Oliver one more time before racing back to where Quentin and Jasper were. Jasper is back on his feet but his left eye is already starting to swell shut.

A familiar howl shatters my focus turning my blood to ice. His agonizing howl turns into a blood curdling scream that tears my heart in two. Whirling around I push my way towards his call of need.

"No!" I cry sprinting towards the horrifying nightmare taking place in front of me. Carl is on his knees clutching where is right arm used to be. Standing in front of him is Eric's wolf proudly showing off his prize. "Don't!" My throat burns from how loud I'm screaming trying anything to stop Eric. Footsteps thump loudly behind me but I don't stop running just hoping it's Quentin.

"Carl!" His warm brown eyes snap to me for a second, and the desperation and fear swirling in them will haunt me forever. He tries to stand back up but the blood pouring from his wound is too excessive, and he slumps back onto his knees.

"Eric!" Quentin bellows from behind me, but Eric don't spare us a glance as he shifts back taking a knife from one of his warriors. Pushing myself to run faster I plead with the Moon Goddess to do something. Carl closes his eyes for a second, and a single tear slides down his cheek.

Every single cell in my body goes numb watching Carl's lifeless body fall to grass at Eric's feet. The bloody knife still dripping in his hand as he finally turns watching me fall apart. Arms encircle my waist pulling me back, but I don't have it in me to fight back. My best friend who has been my protector, confidant, and the brother I never had since the day I kicked his ass was just slaughtered in front of me. Eric ripped his arm off and slit his throat.

A piece of me has died that will always be void without him. I'll never see his goofy grin that never fails to brighten my day, or hear his contagious giggle when someone cracks a joke. He's just gone. Never met his mate. Eric took him away from me without a care in the world.

Shoving Quentin's hands off me I shift tearing off towards Eric. Many rogues attempt to sink their teeth into me, but I just throw them off my eyes never leaving my target. Quentin's blonde wolf runs up beside me as I zero in on Eric who shifts back into his wolf form as I near.

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