Chapter five

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It is an auction.....

The old, young and middle aged men were cheering as if they had just seen Santa drop off a gift on their doorsteps. They were even women here...what the hell

I finally reached the white brightly lit stage, the man on the stage with me that I've never seen before he held me so tight pushing me inside this cage like thingy

"Kenecia age 17, she's really feisty but with a little discipline we can change that. Tits are small but the ass makes up starting at 250,000" he lied I'm not a virgin and they know that because they aborted my baby

"I'm not for sale you little pussy" I scream at him but no one heard me except him for him because they were busy buying me

"These men are gonna eat you alive" he says licking his lips

The bid was going up so fast. Faster than I could think.

300 000, 350 000, 500 000, 800 000 "2.3 million dollars, going once, going twice. Sold to Mr.Cartel" blared over the intercom

He came on stage like he had just went a race that contains Usain Bolt in it, all proud and stuff I couldn't really make out his features or anything but he did look young

He walks up to the cage and whispers "You're gonna wish you were dead" Those six words sent shivers down my spine and goose bumps all over my body and his Italian accent didn't help

His eyes are a dark shade of blue, his jaw line well defined, his neck had a scar on it and he had on a blue and white polka dot shirt under his jacket that brought the colour of his eyes even more and his shoes looked like they cost a million dollars. But I've got to say it no matter the situation he is a hot hamburger.

I remember those eyes from somewhere

They open the cellar pulling me out not even holding onto me as tight as before so I did what anyone would do. I ran.

I ran so fast out the room i though that i was flash, the pit of my stomach and my area hurt so bad but I couldn't stop running

I'm a survivor I'm not gonna give up I'm gonna run faster.

I tried but men were gaining up on me, I used to be an athlete so I'm fast, but no matter how fast I ran I didn't know the door to freedom so I would probably get trapped anyways

I was at a crossroad and i didn't know where to turn so I right because you know what they say right is right. Silly joke.

I could feel someone's presence behind me and I was slowing my pace because of the pain I was feeling, the gruesome creature tackled me to the ground and connected his knuckles with my face. Oh my beautiful face.

The second punch bursted my mouth I could taste the metallic substance in my mouth, the fifth one it sent my nose inside out I swear that is the hardest punch I've ever recieve.

He finally stopped after bruising all of face and I managed the twist back my nose into place screaming from the pain it cost, wiping the blood from under it

He pulls me off the ground before asking "Did you learn your lesson?" He didn't look bad in fact he was very good looking but his punches hurt like hell

I place my hand under my cheek acting as if I were thinking even though I knew exactly what ye was talking about "Sorry Sir I didn't know you were trying to teach me something"

I winced due to the pain it cost when I spoke, I must look crazy right now with blood all over my teeths and and I'm sure all that makeup Kai putted on is all ruined and he was tugging at my hair so I bet it must looked awful

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