Chapter six

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Pic of Christopher above

It took about two hours to drive to the airport on the drive there after our discussion neither of us dared to utter another  word

We drove around to the back of the airport before stepping out of the car and into the breeze that sent my air blowing backwards like a natural disaster was passing through

His jet had triple C written in bold letters on the side, how classy.

He takes the lead ascending the steps I slowly follow behind him, my mouth gasped open and my feet stuck to the ground. This is literally made for royalty.

I close my mouth stepping inside as if the feeling of going into something so luxurious was mutual while on the inside I was dying to check it out

You know what I don't care. If this is my once in a lifetime opportunity to to explore then I'm taking it and I'm not gonna let some classy shitface stop me

I step pass him walking down the aisle where two comfortable seats were placed on each side, the guy that beat the shit out of my face sitting in one towards the left

I rolled my eyes and gave him a vicious glare when we made eye contact but he just blew me a kiss. At the back was a door which I just opened and stepped right in there layed two comfortable-classy looking beds that I felt the urge to throw myself at, I run my hands along the sheets and they were so soft that I felt as if it is forbidden for me to do that

I stepped back and saw that Cartel is now sitting resting his chin in the palm of his hand, tilting his neck at an unnatural angle and typing away on his phone

I choose to sit across from his side man

"Mr.Cartel and company please buckle up we are about to depart" Blares over the intercom

It took about five minutes and then that feeling when all the food seems to be coming out of your stomach it came

He doesn't utter a word and neither do I but then the boredom was getting over bearing

"What's your job?" He looks up from his phone at me confused "You know he's the boss so what do you do?"

"Whatever he tells me to do" He shrugs

"So you just let that cabeza de Polla boss you around like that" Bro you need to have more class than that (dick head)

"Be careful of whatever it is that you are calling him and it's my job, I'm like his right hand man so he makes the call and I make sure whatever he says gets done properly"He explains more

"What date is today?" I ask clearly not knowing because I was held captive

"Today is the fourteenth of March"

"Hell nah, I've been in that shit hole for two days" I yell as if it wasn't real

"So what's you name?" I ask

"Marcel De Santis, it's Italian"He states

"I like it and my name is Kenecia" His name is kinda hot to be honest

"I know we know everything about you, before Chris buys he has to know everything about the person"

"So why did he buy me?" I ask looking him dead in the eye

"I think you should ask me what you want to know" Says Christopher now looking up from his phone and at me

"And I think I should ask anybody I freaking want, listen I'm not want of your bitches that you can just boss around and let's make this clear I never will be. No offense Marcel but I just think you let him take you for his bitch" I reply in my the sassiest tone ever

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