Chapter ten

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Kenecia's POV

It's been two fricking weeks since I've been been in France and four days since I made a complete fool of myself by getting drunk. Cartel won let me live that night down and he keeps reminding me of how much of a good dancer I am, which I didn't know since I've never danced infront of anyone before

All my bruises were healed by now and my face was almost back to perfection

I have done nothing but sit around and look out the balcony. Today I've decided that I will ask Christopher to go to the pool

I can't swim to save my life but seeing all those happy people in the pools all the times just makes me want to go into it too


After three excruciating hours of waiting on Cartel to come back from his so called meeting he was finally back

"Can I go to the pool?" I ask not even greeting him

"Hello to you too" He greets rolling his eyes

"Whatever, can I go to the pool now?"

"Yes and only because of the fact that today is our last day in France and I can't have you say you didn't like here"

"Great so will you take me to the Eiffel Tower?" I smile like a five year old who just had their favourite ice-cream

"Nope" he says popping the p



"The fact that I just said please should make you say yes instantly"

"Still no"

"Well then fuck you" I say giving him the finger

"Happy to" He smiles not genuinely though

"Can I get some money I need to buy a bathing suit and a floater since I don't wanna drown and maybe a souvenir" I list counting them on me finger as well

"Ask for Larry cause I wouldn't want my 2million dollars to waste without being used, floster are for free " He says taking out  three hundred dollars and giving it to me

My mouth instantly meets with the floor, I've never gotten so much money so easily before "Isn't it enough?" He asks surprised

"I think it's too much, I don't know I've never bought a swim suit before" I mumbled out confused

"I think it should be enough" he shrugs "If it's not tell them that you are with me"

I nod in agreement stepping out. The wait to the bottom floor was excruciatingly long but I finally arrived saying a polite hi to miss May and sending Jerry a quick wink

I walked outside the bright sunlight hitting my skin, I never knew how much I missed that feeling until now. Everyone outside seemed to be happy and having a good day

The pool that I planned to enter was filled with children which I didn't mind because I love children so much. I take a glance at my tummy placing a hand over it, it's been two weeks now since they took my baby

I should've gotten back my period by now but who am I to complain. I was enjoying the view and nothing was going to stop me from enjoying today

I bought a lime green two piece bikini, a sun glasses, a slipper a towel and some sunscreen for a $175 which left me with a $125

I got a hot fudge smoothie from a resort called smoothie world and a hot dog from a restaurant and as you know they are for free because you have already paid for the stay

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