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Jutul family

You pull your faux fur coat around yourself tighter as you struggle to keep up with your younger brothers, Magne and Laurits.

Laurits, the dark-haired trickster, received a call from one of his friends, inviting him and Magne over for dinner. You somehow found yourself going since Mom asked you to be their guardian for the evening, and you foolishly chose to wear heels with open toes. You weren't expecting to have to trek up their mile long driveway.

"They have quite the driveway." You complained, admiring the view at the same time. "They know you've invited me along, right?"

Laurits gives you an uneasy smile. "Fjor and Saxa will love you."

At that moment, you three are ushered inside without a word. "Are we the only guests?" Magne asks.

"Yes. I thought we could get to know each other." The girl, Saxa replies, shifting her gaze to you standing behind the boys in your midnight blue dress. "Although I don't remember hearing Fjor say you could bring a girl to the party."

"Our sister is in town for a few weeks, so I thought she'd like to meet two friends from school." Laurits defends you.

"Usually I'm over in Oslo, so Edda is a pleasant change." You hang your coat on the rack with Magne's and give the brunette boy a smile. "I love taking the chance to meet new people."

"Don't be rude, Saxa. She can stay." Fjor sends you a flirty smile. "Sure is nice to see another friendly face."

"Right! Welcome to Jutulheim. Dinner is served." Ran, their mother, interrupts the awkward silence. "Hello, Y/N. Good to see you."

You follow Fjor to the table and he pulls out your chair. The meal almost grosses you out, but you swallow it down anyways to be polite.
And you rush to the bathroom as soon as you can, brushing past Vidar and tossing the toilet lid up.
"Shit. Not again." You wipe your mouth with toilet paper and flush the contents of your stomach into the sewage pipe.

A shadow halts in front of the door outside before lightly rapping their knuckles. "You alright in there, Y/N?"

"Fine. Seafood and I aren't friends." Your heart skips a beat.

"Can I come in?" He jiggles the doorknob and you dab your bloodshot eyes from the acid passing your lips.

"Sure," you grant him access and he silently slips in. "Why'd you come after me?"

"There's something about you I can't resist." He grabs your wrist and receives an electric shock as some sort of primal energy awakens within you. "Like that." He pins you against the wall with such ferocity that you forget about everyone in the other room. "What are you?"

"I don't know." Your breath comes out icy and you freak out, falling to the floor. "Idontknow." Your eyes turn glassy and you lose consciousness.


You wake to a pounding headache and a half-naked boy sleeping on your other side.
Your dress was missing and only a large t-shirt covered your goodies.

"Shit. What a night." You swing your legs over the side and wait for the room to stop spinning.

"I'll say." The boy speaks, causing you to jump. "I couldn't let you sleep in your puke-stained dress and you were still unconscious when your brothers left, so Mom figured you could spend the night."

"So that kind of explains the whole t-shirt thing. But my headache...I didn't have anything to drink, I never do." You sigh, sinking back onto the bed.

"Are you always sick like that?" Fjor brings up the event from earlier.

"Yes, and nothing I do makes it stop." You admit, needing answers. "I didn't eat for a week in Oslo last year and I didn't drop any weight. It was freaky. But mom got worried and eventually all hell broke loose again because I had to eat. Laurits thought I was pregnant." You let out a gentle laugh at the memory.

"So how much older are you compared to your brothers?" Fjor asks, wanting you to focus on something else.

"Let's see, Laurits is eighteen, Magne is seventeen. I'm a year and almost two months older. So nineteen, but I'll be twenty in a month." You give him a sincere smile and you stare into the mirror beside his bed, your eyes glowing a bright blue. "That's....are those..why does this continue to happen?"

"Because you're transitioning." Fjor mumbles.

"Into what? A freak?" You raise your voice and swat his arm away. "I can't be here, I'm sorry."

"Please stay. I can explain in a few hours, I promise."

"Fine." You yank the covers over your body and Fjor embraces you, keeping you warm. "Just this once, playboy."

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