Here For The Party

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Laurits Seier

Black mascara? Check.

Black smokey eye? Check.

Dark red lipstick? Check.

And you were ready.

The spring party would be your only independent night and you intended to look your best, show Saxa Jutul that she's not the only one who can dress up.

Strobe lights cast a rainbow on the dance floor, directing light to the center.

Students milled around the room, some with dates on their arms, others hanging out alone in the corners or by the refreshments table. But they all wore the same awestruck expression when you stepped into the dance hall. 

Your midnight blue dress hugged you in all the right places, showing off curves you wished you had during the past three years.

You spot Laurits Seier leaning against a table with Fjor Jutul, one of the popular kids, sipping from a flask that contains whiskey. You approach your date and snag the flask from Fjor, swallowing whatever was left and Fjor almost views you differently.

"You look great, Y/N." Fjor whispers in your ear. "Now I'm wishing you were my date."

"I prefer gods over giants." You say to him before dragging Laurits into the DJ booth. "We need a change in music."

"I've got just the thing." Laurits plugs his phone into the stereo system and plays 'Escape From Planet Fuck' by Adolescents. The party crowd headbangs and jumps up and down in sync with the beat. "I don't know if I can wait to take you. I want to see your body, babe." He playfully tugs at the hem of your dress.

"Later." You give him a longing kiss on the cheek.

"I say let's give them a real smasher." Fjor unplugs Laurit's phone and plays one of his Old World songs that triggers something within you as you lead Laurits behind the stage and toy with the button on his jeans. You feel your body heat up and see a glow collecting in your iris when you face the mirror.

"I can't wait. I need you now." Laurits tosses your underwear to the side as he enters you slowly. You arch your back off the wall as he pounds into you. "Shit." White hot jets of semen ejaculate inside you and you tug your panties back on.

"My brother's probably wondering where I went." You huff, remembering Fjor's joking words from earlier. No one knew he was your brother, much less anyone related to you. Laurits was the only one who knew.

As soon as you returned from your escapades, Fjor and Saxa rushed up to you saying they have a better party at home. You and Laurits tag along with them and Laurits is just there for support.

"Thanks for tonight." He kisses your cheek and Fjor rolls his eyes. 

"Get a room, sis." Fjor teases.

"We are in a room, Fjor, you're just in it." You reply in a snarky tone as Laurits leans back in to kiss you. 

"That's my girl."

Ragnarök Imagines and Preferences Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ