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Karima put a spoonful of rice in her mouth and sighed.
"Please put off your ringer" she groaned. The continuous pings were giving her a headache.

"Right, I'm so sorry" he said before putting it off and flipping the phone.

"Me dating Lola was a moment of weakness and I'd always regret leading her on and betraying Kubra. By Allah I didn't mean to cheat, and I wouldn't say it was by mistake but I was overwhelmed at that time and I just needed to get my mind off you and Kubra and the pressure at work. I broke it off with her after three weeks but we keep in touch once in a while and I'm so so sorry I didn't introduce you as my wife to her" he said all in one breath.

"Gee, slow down, I just wanted an explanation not for you to kill your self" she smiled a little.

"Um.........should I be worried about her? Or anyone else?" Karima asked.

He quickly shook his head in negation. " No, never. I promise" he reached forward and held her hand on the table.

"Good" she nodded. And he gave her a wide smile.

Somehow, Khalifa's smile didn't seem to ease her nerves.

"Babe, you still not over your pepper obsession?" He asked as he put out his tongue for some fresh air.

"Sorry. I'll get some more water" she made a move to stand up but he held her back.

"I think I'll need more than water. Eat your food" he grinned and left for the kitchen to get some ice.

Series of vibrations came from the table and she picked up his phone. Her thumbprint unlocked the phone and the messages opened.

I'm not feeling too well

Khalifa we need to talk

You can't do this to me

Call me back please

I'm really sick

We need to meet up. ASAP

Call me back will you?

We need to meet to figure our way out

You can't keep ignoring me

Khalifa Umar Jiro

I can't keep shut anymore. I'm going to tell someone

There were a lot more from Ummitah. What the hell is happening? She quickly dropped his phone when she heard him coming out.

"You look pale. What's up?"He asked.

"Nothing really" she shrugged. He nodded and sat back down.

His phone vibrated continuously informing her it was a call. He looked back at her immediately he looked at the phone.

He quickly picked the phone from the table when he saw her staring. But it was too late, she'd seen the caller already.

Fucking Ummitah.

"You should take your call, I don't mind" She said slowly.

"No. It's Alan. He's been updating me on a project that is due on Monday. I don't know how he can't see I'm trying to enjoy a weekend with my wife" He smiled widely.

Karima smiled a little.

"Sorry, this wife of yours needs rest. You can attend to your secretary" she stood up from the table and left slowly.

He groaned after she left.
Ummitah is trying to sabotage him and he has no way around it.
He didn't like lying to her but he had no choice.

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