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"Yes, Mama I just got off. We're on our way home" he replied.
"Ameen. Thank you" he cut the call and glanced at me.

"Stop the car"


"Yes you would" he glared at me.
I took a deep breath then got off the road.

"Get out" he muttered immediately the car came to a stop.

"Why?" I asked.

"I said get the hell out" he screamed.

I blinked twice and before I knew it my body started shaking voluntarily.

"Ya ilahi. KK I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" he rubbed my shoulders muttering apologetic words.
I smirked. Works every time.

I used to have a phobia of loud voices as a child, but it got better as I grew up but I always use it against my family members.

He got out of the car and came around to the drivers side and opened the door. I let him carry me to the back seat and when he asked me to lay down, I didn't have any objections.

He got back to the drivers seat after making sure I was okay and started the car.

"I don't like raising my voice at anyone talk less of you even. But you won't listen to me and always get on my nerves. I have heard that you don't consider yourself married but even unmarried, you never dressed like that. What is happening? Do you hate me that much? It's me Khalifa, your Uncle Khalifa." His voice was laced with hurt but I knew better than to fall for his words.

"I wanted us to talk you know, talk about us, our marriage, our next step but I can't even do that with you." He explained.

I didn't say a word and left him talking on and on until we reached home. We found parking space and I opened the door immediately.

"Help me with the laptop bag please" he passed it to me.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I provided an excuse.

"There's a toilet in my room" he answered.

"I'm having girl problems"

"No you're not. Just go since you don't want to help out. You could have said so, no need to lie" he waved me away

"I'll come and help you unpack in an hour" I said, already feeling guilty for not helping him but I have no plans of listening to his nonsense.

"Yeah sure" he hissed.

I turned around and left. I have other things to worry about, like where all my sisters friends were going to sleep.
Lara will leave with her husband and I can't follow them.
I took a deep breath when I saw Ummi. She beamed at me and called me over.
I squatted and greeted her.

"Come on Karima. How many times do I have to tell you not to do this?" She smiled.

"I'm sorry Ummi. How's your health?" I asked.

"I'm much better. I heard what happened, are you fine?" She asked.

I nodded in affirmative. Ummi started going on and on about destiny and about what Allah has written for every one of us.

"I pray this is for the best. Don't hesitate to call me whenever you need anything okay? I'm still your mother"

With teary eyes, she pulled me towards her and hugged me tight. Anas' mother gave the best hugs.

"Thank you Ummi." I whispered and she nodded. She left soon after. Only then did I realize the event was finished.

Everyone has left and a group of men were stacking the chairs on each other.

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