Chapter 6

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A few hours have passed and Harry still hasn't bothered to come up and try to talk to me, which I haven't minded as I've spent these past hours laid curled up in bed, starring at the ceiling enjoying the peaceful silence. After todays events, this is all I wanted wanted to do. My extremely soft and fluffy blanket was drapped around my small frame whilst I had my iphone 5 quietly playing some oasis songs in the background. I continued to lay numb and broken on my spacious, lonely bed.

Out of the blue I heard our doorbell ring downstairs making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Who could that be I thought to myself. Puzzled, I quickly reached over to my clustered white bedside table and turned my music down intensively listening as to who it could be at the door. I turned my music of and silence immediately filled my room as I listened extensively to any noise coming from below me.

"Oh hey dad" I hear Harry's cheerful voice boomed throughout the house. My breath suddenly became shorter as my eyes widened with fear as dread set on my face. Why is he over again?

I just froze, somehow believing if I don't move or breath, Harry would forget I'm home and I would be able to luck out from having any social interactions with him.

"Lily!! Come down here" I hear Harry loudly yell up the stairs making me immediately tense up. Please no, I kept repeating in my head as my heart beat accelerated by the second. It was hard for me to catch my breath as I laid down and let out a defeated sigh. I stared up at my ceiling, wishing I could just disappear out of existence. I can't deal with anything more today.

I forced my slim, exhausted and fragile body up and out of the security of my bed, groaning as I caught a glimpse of my silhouette in the mirror. I looked so unrecognisable and tired. I quickly looked away closing my eyes as I carelessly threw my grey dressing gown over my defeated frame not wanting to look at my reflection in the mirror for a second longer.

Very unwantedly, I slowly made my way downstairs. My legs kept trembling from fear each step I took. I had to tightly grasp onto the railing to support my terrified and tired body from giving weigh on me. I took a deep breath trying to control the horrific and uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I could hear Harry and Wayne's voices chatting away in the living room to my left, I immediatly gulped and froze when I heard Wayne's deep and hollow voice talk about his day. It sent shivers of fear all over my body as I fiddled with the end of my long sleeves. I slowly made my way into the living room, forcefully starring down at the floor in terror.

I whispered (bearly audibly) a quick hello as I sat myself down on the couch closest to the door, which gave me comfort knowing if I wanted to leave the door was just feet away. Millios of thoughts were running through my mind with every second that ticked on by. He was here in the same room as me and all I could think about was that he could hurt me.

"Lily Harry said how you've been excluded from school" My father said in his fake kind voice, acting innocent whilst sounding very confused.

I stood there stairing at the ground scared to even glance at him for a mere second. I knew Harry was next to me so I was very happy about that, because if he wasn't I'm  pretty sure I'd have more mental and physical scars to torment me at night.

I could tell by the thickening of atmosphere that Harry didn't really want to move that subject again, but my father seemed to be very interested in the topic and wouldn't drop it.

I just sat in silence, not saying a word and intensivly starring at my lap.

"I think it is highly unacceptable for you to attack a poor innocent girl Lily. you need a  lesson" My father said, I couldn't see him, but I perfectly knew what he meant by the lesson. I knew one thing, I need to get out of here, I couldn't stand a second longer in this room being so close to him.

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