Chapter 1

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I slowly walked up the cracked pavement towards Wayne's detached 3 bedroom house. My hands and legs were shaking in fear making it hard to walk straight, sweat was already dripping from my forehead as the distance between me and the door grew smaller. My vision was going blurry from the new tears building up in the corners of my eyes.

With every step I took, my heart rate rapidly increased. I tried to be brave and take deep breaths to calm myself down, but just the thought of seeing Wayne again made me freeze in fear.

I slowly put my hand on the cold, rusty door handle. I was trying to convince myself it will be okay but my body knew otherwise as I immediately felt the hairs at the back of my neck arise. I'm just a foot away from my worst nightmare.

Scared I sucked in a deep breath through my teeth bravely pushing the red coloured chipped door open with a loud creak.

I hesitantly stepped inside shutting the door behind me, already feeling shivers go down my spine, I'm here once again...

I was just about to take my shoes off when I was roughly pushed against the wall nearby. Unwillingly I peeled one eye open, seeing his dark green orbs peering into mine, inches away from my face. Every breath he let out, sent cold shivers down my spine. His warm breath lingered on my cheek as the strong smell of alcohol radiated of him, which only told me one thing; he was very drunk. He reached out his hand rubbing gentle circles on my cheeks, chuckling, which made me instantly shut my eyes close in fear, holding my breath.

"You know what darl? I've got some business to take care of tonight. But don't worry; we'll  Finnish this next Friday when you come over" He drunkly slurred letting out a deep chuckle. I just stood there paralyzed to the floor, everything seemed frozen in that moment, it's like I seized to exist. All I could hear was the rapid heartbeat thumping in my ears. I was terrified.

Without warning, I  felt a sharp stinging sensation on my left cheek, my hand quickly rose to feel my new injury, wincing in pain.

"And that's for not washing the dishes properly last week!" He said cold hearted whilst walking outside shutting the door loudly behind him.

My legs gave weigh and I just sunk down onto the floor, slumped against the wall I just sat and cried, the tears tracing rivers of sorrow down my cheeks. I felt cold, unloved and hurt. I was hugging my knees close to me trying to stop the ache in my heart I was feeling. I was doing my best to comfort myself and tell myself I'll be okay.

I shot up wide awake, my eyes open in fear. Paranoid, I quickly switch on my bed side light, looking rapidly from left to right I let out a big sigh of relief. I was in my bedroom and I was safe.

I look at the time on my phone, 6:21 am. I groaned in frustration, realizing I probably won't be able to fall asleep now. I hate the fact my worst memories creep up on me in my dreams. Everything seems too real and vivid, just like I'm in that moment again. I try my best to forget about them, but whenever I shut my eyes I'm reminded of the pain and betrayal once again.

Knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep, I slowly lifted my self up letting my warm feet hang by the side of my bed. The cold morning air quickly crowded around my feet as I made  my way over to my bathroom.

I sighed, my eyes quickly drawn to the broken reflection of myself in the mirror. My eyes were tired and buffy, my cheeks stained with tears, my skin is dry and pale whilst my thick brown curly hair was matted together. I am exhausted. I closed my eyes and looked away from the mirror, not liking the reflection of myself I saw. My heart began to ache as I remembered what once a healthy and happy me looked like, this person I didn't recognise.

Lily RoseWhere stories live. Discover now