All Good Things Come To An End: One Short Trip

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The day started by deciding he needed to take a trip to a city. He hadn't gone to one since he moved to this planet and he was starting to crave some company. Well company that could talk back out loud and wasn't the Doctor. The Doctor didn't count. Ever since he crash landed here he has taken to showing up at random and talking a mile a minute. Merlin didn't really want to make a friend as so much a causal conversation partner over a drink or something.

Getting dressed he let his magic dip into the coppery blue well informing the planet that he was going for a short trip. It brushed sadly against him but wished him luck. A smile made its way to his face in response. He really needed some human compony if a planet was starting to make so much since to him.

Unleashing his magic he took a step forward willing it to take him to a city. With no real destination in mind he left it up to his magic. This right here should have been his first clue that things were going to go wrong. His magic had a tendency to look for trouble. He ended up in a back ally. Merlin raised an eyebrow at what he felt. This was a city built in space with no planet or rock holding it together. Just metal and glass. So much electricity flowed through the place that the very air felt static. He shook his head and smiled ruefully. Technology has truly advanced to the point Merlin wouldn't even be able to fake it now. Especially after his self imposed isolation.

The day was quiet after that. He wandered around the city looking at the new advancements and the changes to society. What fascinated him the most was that not just humans lived here but many other races as well. Merlin had never truly seen any of the alien races. Sure he has heard of them but never seen them. Despite all the time that has passed a city was still a city.

The buildings towering over the streets. People in a rush to get from one place to another. Neon light advertising stores and products. Shady back street alleys with people lurking. Children playing in the parks with parents keeping watch. Even as society advances to new heights and the culture changes, people stay the same.

A small light red almost pink café caught his attention. Walking in he ordered a cup of tea and sat watching people as they go about their business. This has been one of Merlin's favorite pass times, and now with the added bonus of different species mixed in has made it even more fascinating. He was so fixated on this that he didn't even notice someone approach until they pulled on his sleeve.

With a jolt Merlin looked down to see a small girl gripping his sleeve like it was the answer to all her problems. Her soft blue hair and green eyes where unusual but not the strangest thing he has seen. Merlin frowned slightly but didn't say anything. Just waiting to see what she wanted or maybe her parent to come get her. But no such luck. After a couple minutes he gave in.

"Is there something you need miss?" He asked while taking a sip of tea. The little girl tugged his sleeve softly and pointed down the street. "Do you want me to follow you?" The curt nod was all the confirmation he received. Really why does he even try to have a relaxing day in a city. He should know better then to expect that. Getting up he followed the girl thought the streets while she tugged on his sleeve.

Winding in and out of alleyways, side streets, and the occasional building they finally made it to wherever this girl wanted to be. The street was not well lit and the walls coated in profanities. Busted doors and rusted metal littered the area. Merlin glanced around observing the scene before him. The girl tugged his sleeve again pulling him into one of the downtrodden buildings and down three flights of rusted stairs. At the bottom she pulled him through a shadowed door hidden under the stairs.

Light blinded Merlin as he stepped through the door. Not natural light or the electronic that he had grown to expect but a power burst similar to magic. A shield slammed into existence in response to this attack. A gasp was heard and the light vanished. Merlin blinked rapidly trying to clear the spots out of his eyes. The little girl shifted from behind him.

Ignoring the girl Merlin glanced around the room seeing people of all ages sitting, standing, and laying down. His magic shifted restlessly around under his skin not at all liking that someone had attacked him. Even though it was just a flash of light. The little girl, still holding his sleeve, shut the door. Effectively closing off his quickest escape rout.

He stood and waited for something to happen, however the little girl just pulled him over to an empty corner and gestured for him to sit down. He blink owlishly at the girl trying to get her to talk but all she did was tilt her head. With a sigh Merlin sat on the floor against the wall. The little girl crawled into his lap and fell asleep.

Merlin sat surrounded by hostile strangers and a little girl quietly resting in his lap. A sigh escaped while looking at the rest of the people gathered in the room with him. How had it come to this? He thought watching the frightened eyes so filled with hope. The conflicting emotions did not reassure him at all.

It was uncomfortable similar to something that happened before. Shifting so that both the girl and he could be protected if need be, he addressed the others. "Why am I here?" He demanded not even trying to hide his unfriendly mood. He may have gone out to interact with humans, but this is definitely not what he wanted.

All eyes fell to the girl and then darted to a woman sitting quietly on the other side of the room. Her eyes following Merlin's every move. Not that he was moving a lot. "Are you the one from Earth?" She asked slowly as if dreading the answer. Merlin raised an eyebrow that would have made Guis proud.

"Depends on who you are looking for. We are all from Earth but many other places as well." Her eyes narrowed but darted to the child. She went back to studying his face. "... I do not think you are the one we were waiting for." She said slowly.

"I thought not. If you don't mind I shall take my leave now." Merlin nodded his head politely as a good bye and made to get up, but the girl held fast. Bright green eyes holding him in place. They stared in silence neither willing to brake eye contact. Merlin narrowed his eyes he had a creeping suspicion about this entire situation.

"... Emerys..." Came a soft whisper from the little girl. Merlin froze. It is not a name that has been said since the 2000s and defiantly should be impossible to know off of Earth. No one spoke as the girl whispered leaning in as if trying to catch everything she said. "...Please help my people Emerys..." The whispered voice grew no louder but the words rang clearly in his mind. "... We have a special power that has lead many to desire us. We just wish for a place to live without fear of enslavement or death..." Her eyes looked pleadingly into Merlin's. "... To practice our ways in peace..."

No one moved as if holding their breaths for his response. This was not at all what Merlin had in mind when he came to this city. His plan to safely observe the human race from a distance and maybe have a casual chat with a stranger now ruined. Measuring the pros and cons of helping these people a large sigh left his lips. Who was he kidding? There was no way he could just leave these people. His magic had stirred at the sound of his name. "I will help you." He said just as quietly while looking at the girl in his lap.

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