The planet looked a lot like his. Well at least before he started making his garden. There was also light brown dirt and rocks all over the place instead of the bright almost blood red he was used to. The Doctor was looking around with wide shiny eyes. "Have you been here before?" Merlin asked. It looked pretty desolate. He didn't really see a reason to come here, or why the Doctor would choose here.

"Not at all!" The Doctor cheered. "However Darling said that something interesting was happening right now, and what more do you need for an adventure? No idea where you are or what is happening."

Merlin held back a sigh and smiled softly at the Doctor. He reminded him of some of his old friends. It was an unfortunate habit that he keeps meeting people like this. They were a hazard for his health. "Oh, look do you see that?" He cried. "There are people over there. Let's find out what's happening."

The Doctor took off with Merlin following behind at a slower pace. These people seemed to be hiding behind a rock in the middle of a mining area. The Doctor came up behind them but didn't say anything he seemed to be looking at something.

"Could they be the miners?" Asked the human with purple fines on his head and purple uniform. At least Merlin thinks he is human.

"Maybe they are like 3 years old." Answered the one in a dark blue uniform thoughtfully. He tilted his head to the side spotting the short blue aliens.

"Miners not minors!" Whisper shouted the possible human.

"You lost me." Was all the reply he got as everyone stared at him.

The Doctor chose that point to cut in. "I have always found that you can easily get lost on the specifics without context. The English language for all that so many people speak it is one of the more confusing languages out there." He said with a goofy smile on his face. "Hi, I'm the Doctor and this is my companion Merlin."

Merlin gave a small wave but otherwise stayed out of it. This did not look like a good situation to be in the middle of. "They are so cute." The woman in red said. They all turned back to the scene in front of them. She was cooing at the aliens. Merlin on the other hand was not fooled.

"Sure they look cute now. But in a second their going to get mean and their going to get ugly somehow. And there's going to be a million more of them." The man in a plane grey uniform commented. He was a man that knew what was happening.

"How many times has this happened?" Asked the Doctor curiously. "You sound like your saying this from experience."

"Oh all the time. It is pointless to hope for anything else." Everyone turned to look back at the guy in the grey uniform. "Did you guys ever watch the show?" He asked in disbelief. They shrugged and turned back to watch an injured blue child like alien limp over to the water troff.

"They are trying to help the little hurt one" The woman said cooing slightly. Merlin just stood and watched the others around the injured one start whispering. There was no way this was going to end well. The cute faces quickly turned into what looked like a shark with fin like ears as they jumped the injured one. The other people in the group freaked.

"We have to hurry before one of those things kills Guy!" Said the woman while they ran a bit further away from the cannibalistic aliens. The man in the all grey uniform looked horrified at this. Merlin is going to go out on a branch here and say his name is Guy.

"Why are you guys here?" Merlin asked. As far as he could tell they weren't from this planet, or at least weren't from anywhere near these blue dwarf aliens. Though they might be here for resources from the looks of the mining equipment scattered around.

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