Chapter Twenty Three

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"I don't understand," I breathed, shakily

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"I don't understand," I breathed, shakily. I was still holding my wand but I wasn't sure for how much longer as my hands and unwittingly started to tremble.

"He's been helping him all this time!" Hermione shouted, pointing a finger at Lupin. Lupin sighed and held up two hands as if in surrender as he walked to place himself between Sirius and Hermione. I was still rooted to the floor in the doorway.

"I have not been helping Sirius," Lupin defended, "If you'll let me explain, I'll-"

"Then how did you know he was here?" Harry said, now it was his turn to be accusing.

"I saw it on the map."

"You know how to work the map?" Harry asked, still sounding accusatory.

"I helped make the map. I'm Moony."

"What?" I asked. None of this conversation was making any sense to me. Moony? What the fuck was Moony? I had followed Lupin out here to get an answer, any answer, about my dad and now here I was more confused than ever.

"It was my old school nickname," Lupin said, chuckling almost embarrassingly.

"You made it?" Harry asked again, the anger in his voice fading a little.

"I was watching it closely this evening," Lupin continued. He sure was. He was so distracted by that bloody map he couldn't even give me the name of my father. Just one word, that's all I wanted!

"I must apologise for being so distracted, Alison," Lupin continued as if he could read my mind, "But I had a feeling you three would sneak out of the castle tonight. And I was right. But what I didn't expect to see was the name accompanying you."

Did he mean me? Had he seen me following him and not told me to go back to the castle? Did he want me in this crazy farce?

"What do you mean 'accompanying'? There was no one with us," Harry countered, the anger back in his voice.

"And then I saw the name Sirius Black drag two of you under the Whomping Willow," Lupin continued, seeming to ignore Harry.

"One of us!" Ron countered indignantly, reaching down with one hand to hold his leg, which I had now noticed had a nasty gash on it and was bleeding profusely. His other hand remained firmly around his rat that was writhing like a lunatic.

"No two" Lupin maintained despite the frowns from Harry, Ron and Hermione, as well as my confused stare, "Do you think I could take a look at your rat?" He said, completely changing the subject. Although someone should probably take a look at that poor rat. It looked terrible.

"What's going on?" I asked. By this point, I was more confused than I had ever been. And I had had a potions exam that very day!

I tried to ignore the fact that I could see Sirius Black staring at me from the corner of my eye. I focused all my attention on Lupin who had approached Ron and was negotiating to take his rat. Ron was having none of it. But Black didn't seem to take the hint and kept on staring at me.

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