Chapter Two ~ A Touch Of Evil

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"So what sort of thing do you do in your spare time?" Chuck asks. "Um I draw a lot, I also go to the Wyrm on the southside as I'm a serpent." she says. "I guessed you were. Doesn't matter to me though." Chuck tells her with a smile. "What about you? Anything other than football?" CJ asks. "Not really. I usually practise or hang at Reggie's place." Chuck explains to her making her smile. Pop walks over with a tray of food and two milkshakes "Thanks Pop." they both say. "So what've we got?" Chuck asks CJ. "Vanilla milkshake with caramel sauce and cream. A double cheese burger with curly fries and extra cheese." CJ lists off. "Sounds good." Chuck smiles at her. They soon finish eating their food "Mmh that was delicious" Chuck says. "Yeah I have it everytime I come here." CJ chuckles. "So got any drawings you can show me?" Chuck asks her. "Yeah." CJ responds pulling out the sketch book and handing it to him. "Who's this?" he asks looking at a picture of Toni.

"That's Toni, she my best friend, practically my sister

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"That's Toni, she my best friend, practically my sister." CJ tells him smiling. "These drawings are amazing." he tells her looking through the pad and pausing. "Woah." he breathes.

"I drew that 3rd July

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"I drew that 3rd July. I was going to give it to him on the 5th." CJ tells Chuck sadly. Chuck grabs her hand and rubs it comfortingly. CJ smiles sadly at him when her phone goes off.

Fangs🦄_ You coming Wyrm? X

Trash Panda 🐼_ Can I bring a friend from school? X

Fangs🦄_ Yeah x

Trash Panda 🐼_ OMW x

"You want to see the Wyrm. Warning full of serpents." CJ asks Chuck. "Sure. Like I said I have nothing against the serpents. I find it cool that you guys are like a big family that protect each other." Chuck tells her. CJ smiles "Come on then. Warning Sweetpea and Fangs will probably say stuff about you being on the southside. I'll shut them up though if they do." she tells him, Chuck smiles at her as they stand up. CJ gets out some money to pay "I'll pay for it." Chuck tells her with a smile making her put her money away. "Thanks Chuck." she tells him with a soft smile. After paying they head out to her bike and CJ hands Chuck the spare helmet and jumps on. Chuck sits on the back "Go as fast as you want." he tells her. "Hold on tight then." CJ says grinning speeding off to the Wyrm.

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