"Nah, you're hurt. And if I was to guess ,I'd say you lied about what really caused your fingers to be wrapped up. I'd say the same thing that caused your side to hurt also caused your fingers to be wrapped. Now are you going to tell us or are we gonna have to use our methods?" Jeremy asked. Always the clever one.

It's better I just out with it and tell them because I don't trust that 'our methods' crap. It sound too sinister.

"So after you guys ditched me yesterday-"

"We didn't ditch you, we offered for you to come and YOU turned us down" conner said.

"As I was saying after I got ditched-" I looked at conner daring him to interrupt me again " I ran into our old friends Jamie, Ryan and Joe. You remember those three?. You know the three that act like someone pissed into their breakfast every morning, the three that are stupid for eternity, the three that I'd call retards but that will be insulting to retards, the three-"

"Ok ok, we get it Alex, you hate them, we hate them, now continue with the story" Brian said.

"Ok so ran into them on my way to English class and Jamie seeing that I was alone, he and the other two took that as their chance to give me the beating of a century, let me tell you, being repeatedly kicked out of a timberland and stamped on hurt like hell." I said

"WHAT!?, when I get my hands on those crossed eye, b*tch ass fools" Brian said slamming his fist on the table.

Meanwhile conner had his fist clenched tight looking around the cafeteria, I'm guessing looking for the three crows. I looked at Jeremy to see him staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Is there something else you're not telling us?" He asked. As I said before; always the clever one

"Me?, psshhh, never. That's all that happened" I said turning away from them. Don't know why I lied. I guess I just didn't want to seem soft in their eyes, telling them a girl had to help me, oh hell nah. They'd mock me for sure, saying I act so bad but not only got beat but a girl had to save me.

"Ok, I don't believe you but alright" Brian said

"Hey guys why is the new girl and her friend looking over here and laughing" conner asked.

"She better turn her face somewhere else before I do it for her" Brian said. Guess he still carried a grudge for when she broke his nose. His mistress punished  him for a week for starting a fight.

Seeing her and her little bitch laughing and looking at me especially and laughing got me upset. I don't know, I just felt like they were laughing about what went down yesterday.

I was going to ignore their laughing, I really was but I could hear from all the way across the damn cafeteria. Its like they wanted me to hear. So I got up and went over to their table. Seeing that I was coming the boy stopped laughing and mystique looked and saw that I was coming towards her, so she rolled her eyes and started eating.

I clenched my fist getting even more angry.

"Yow what's your problem?" I said to her. But you know what she did. She totally ignored me, acting like i wasn't even there, she just continued eating meanwhile the boy was looking between the two of us.

"Hey we don't want any problem, we-" he said

"Was I talking to you bitch?, no! Now stay in an animal's place and keep quiet" I said. Everyone in the cafeteria started laughing and I smirked.

"Now back to you-"

"If I throw a bone , will you leave?" She asked me

"What?!, listen here you God's mistake-"

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