Chapter Seven

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                                             Alex POV

It's a new day; Tuesday to be exact. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and all feels well with life.

So you remember that shit I was talking about yesterday, about falling back to being a submissive and all?. Yea that was utter garbage. I'm pleased to relieve you that it was the drugs talking , the pain meds were probably stronger than I thought.

I know you didn't believe me for a second thou, because there's no way me an alpha male in all my sexy dominant glory ever, EVER bow to ANYONE, much less a weak female. Psshh, NEVER.

Currently in English class and thank goodness she didn't talk or even look in my direction. I swear she'd want to come today to bond or some shit , because if she did it wouldn't end nice on her part. Females aren't suppose to initiate conversations with me unless I tell them they can.

2 hours later

Its currently lunch time so I headed to Biology to get Jeremy and Brian then we went to art class to get Conner.

"So guys Cindy's keeping one more of her bomb parties this Friday and you know she said we had to be there or else the party won't turn up" Brian said.

"Cause you know we bring the liquor and the vibes" I said hitting my hand together with Brian's and Conner's own.

But as usual in every group of friends you have that rule follower, that goody two shoes and that's Jeremy in our group. Always killing our vibes.

"Seriously guys!. Brian and Conner you both know your mistresses will have your head if you get drunk or sleep with anyone and Alex, I expect better from you as a dominant. You are suppose to be disciplined and controlled but right now I can't tell if you have either qualities" Jeremy said sternly .

"Come on Jeremy we were just joking" conner said

"Yea, we weren't really gonna go all wild and stuff" Brian said

As a dominant Jeremy taught me to never apologize for any of my actions, for whatever I do, I must do knowing that it's rightfully deserved and I must never be persuaded to thinking it was wrong. He said the minute I apologize or show sympathy, others will take it as me being soft.

So instead of trying to explain myself like Brian and conner did, I just nod my head to show him that I hear and understand what he's saying.

For the rest of the walk to the cafeteria everyone was silent. Jeremy was angry, Brian and conner looked sad and were dragging their feet and me, well I just didn't want to be the first one to break the tension.

Reaching the cafeteria we ordered then went to our usual seat.

"Come one Jeremy you got to learn to live a little. You got to stop being so dark and serious all the time" Brian said.

Jeremy looked at him with a scowl on his face. I personally thought Brian was in for it. But then Jeremy started laughing and shocking us all.

"You should of seen your face" he laughed pointing at Brian.

"Big ole meany "Brian said throwing a nugget at him. What a waste of good food.

After that we just started talking about any and everything. It all went downhill when Brian laughed and elbowed me in the side and I hissed holding it. It was still sore from yesterday. It and a whole other places.

"Hey man, you alright?" Conner asked

"Yea I'm good" I said straightening up and tried talking through the pain.

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