chapter 9

698 14 2

§ august 1st, 2020 §

It's been a bit more than a week since Harry and Louis have been spotted together. They haven't done anything about it, they decided to not say anything and just spend time with reuniting and correcting the mistakes of the past. But today, it was finally time to face reality.

'You ready Haz?' Louis raised one eyebrow.

They were sitting in Harry's living room, laptops and phones in front of them. They didn't know what to expect, they could only hope the situation has calmed down.

'Ready.' Harry's smile was weak, and wasn't honest at all.

Louis could tell he was nervous, so he squeezed Harry's hand as a sign of support, gave a warm smile to the boy then turned on his laptop and phone. A few seconds later Harry did the same. The few moments till they loaded were nerve racking, it seemed like eternity. As soon as they connected to the wifi, millions of Twitter and Instagram notifications showed up on their notification bars, their email, call and message numbers were sky rocketing and they just kept getting new ones almost every second. They have talked about what they'd do the night before.

For the next 4 hours, they sat in silence cleaning up the mess they've done. They didn't react to any of tweets, nor have they liked anything on Instagram. First they texted their friends back, most of them were surprised about seeing them together, but altogether they seemed quite happy about it but they just wanted a clear answer what it meant. The guys's answers were tricky, they just said they made up and everything is fine between them, but nothing concrete, no mention about a relationship of any sort. Next came the paparazzis, tabloids and magazines of all kinds. They choose the golden middle way here, they didn't deny anything but also didn't give the whole truth. Their answers consisted of "we just talked about the reunion of the band" , "it was a friendly dinner, the other lads couldn't come" and "it was a business dinner". They left families and management to last. To the management they said the truth, they said they got back together but do not, in any case, release a statement about it yet. Family were the only people they honestly answered to. As soon as Harry sent a reply to his mom saying he's with Louis and they're both doing okay, his phone rang. Harry put her on speaker after picking up.

'Hey mom!'


Damn. It doesn't matter if you are a celebrity or not, 16 or 26, if your mom calls you your whole name, you KNOW you are in trouble.

Louis looked at Harry, terrified. He knew it's never a good sign when Anne's mad.

'How dare you disappear for more than a week? Not answering the phone now Harold, are we? Hm?! You know how worried I was?'

'Sorry mom I...' Harry started then stopped to think for a hot moment, then rephrased whatever he was originally gonna say. 'We needed to do this, we needed to completely disappear for a while. After the picture was leaked we needed time to think. And make up. And think. Yeah we mostly needed to think.'

'What exactly about Harry?'

She knew well what her son was talking about but she wanted to hear it from his mouth.

'About getting back together. Or something like that.'

Harry wasn't confident with his answer. He was confident in what he wanted, but knew that his mom will not like it. Last time they broke up, Harry went home for 2 weeks and hasn't done anything but whine and cry about how much he hates Louis.

'Harry honey...he broke you. Do you want that again?'

'It'll be different this time.'

'You might be a little too naive. Please don't go into it again. Not gonna be good for you. Louis is not gonna be good for you.'

She was ready to talk Harry out of something she saw as a mistake. She liked Louis, she used to think he was right for Harry but not anymore. She didn't wanna pastor Harry again after a break up.

Louis just sat there quietly in complete and utter shock. He knew Anne didn't like him as much (well, not at all to be honest with himself) but her words still hurt him.

'He's here, next to me, and he can hear you.' He disappointedly whispered 'And he came to make things better. Mom, I know you are worried about me getting hurt but I'm a grown man, I can decide who I let into my life. I am sorry if you don't agree with me but regardless of what you say, I want to be with Louis.'

He has never been like this to his mother, he usually listened to her opinion and advice and actually took it, did as she told. But not right now, not about Louis. As much as he hurt him, Louis was his entire world and life made no sense without him by his side.

'Harry, I really don't think it's the right decision. Sorry Louis, you hurt him too much.' This was followed by a huge sigh from Anne's part.

She knew he was stubborn when it came to Louis and she understood it on some level. Love makes you blind and makes you do things that you normally wouldn't, it completely clouds your judgement. And whatever she said, she knew they loved each other more than anything.

'But you're right Harry, you're a grown man. Do what you will. You know you will always have my support even when I don't agree, like now. I want you to know that I do not think getting back together is a good idea and I'm not the happiest I have ever been, but you have my support.'

'Thank you, mom.' This time Harry's smile was genuine. 'I'll talk to you later alright?'

'Right. Bye honey.'

'Bye, love you' Harry put his phone back on the table and looked at Louis.

He kind of seemed shuttered, Anne was always supportive of them but now Louis felt like her support wasn't true. Deep down, he agreed with her. Harry has been hurt by him too many times and even though it wasn't his intention and he felt shitty about it, it still happened. Harry saw the furrowing of Louis brows, that's what he always did when he was in a very deep train of thought.

'It's okay Lou, she'll come to terms with it.'

'But what if...what if she's right? What if you shouldn't take me back?'


hehe, bit of a cliffhanger :)
thanks for all the love & support on the previous chapters!
any kind of feedback is appreciated !

always you (larry stylinson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora