chapter 1

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§ july 23rd, 2020 §

He was wearing white shirt with quite a low v-neck so his tattoos were showing, black shorts, his hair very messy and wet, longer than the last time he saw him, his fringe just about hitting his chin. He probably just got out of the shower.


His deep and raspy voice surprised Louis. He had forgotten how it sounds like when standing this close to him. It had an intimidating but also calming sense to it. Videos don't ever give back what it actually sounds like. He could listen to it all day.

'Hi.' Louis finally looked him in the eyes. He got so lost in the green irises he forgot everything he has planned to say.

'Well, come in then.'

Harry's face showed no emotion which was to be expected.

The last time they were here, they broke up and never spoke again.

'What are you doing here?'

'I wanted to...uh...I just wanted to...damn it, I don't know what I wanted. I had this whole speech prepared but now...the whole thing just seems so...stupid.'

Harry just pulled his left eyebrow up like he always does when Louis does something questionable. It's actually quite adorable that after all these years he still does that.

'I wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything Harry, for fucking everything. I'm sorry I was a terrible boyfriend, I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most, I am sorry I let you down. I had the best guy in the world. And I fucked up. A million times. I was the luckiest guy and as I always do I fucked it up like an idiot. And I know last time you said you never wanna go through with it again. And I get it. I wouldn't wanna date me either. know...I just have to try. You know I have to. There is no management to tell us what to do. It's just us. It...could be just us.'

Louis' tears started to gather in his eyes.

'For fuck's sake Harry, I could not stop thinking about you. I love you. I love you so much it hurts. And I do stupid things that hurt you because I am an idiot. And I am sorry...' Louis paused for a few seconds, trying to gather his thoughts 'if you want me to, I'll say I'm sorry every day for the rest of our lives, but I can't live without you. I love you.'

His voice was trembling by the end. This was definitely not what he has planned, he had this whole speech with reasons why he should take him back but to be honest, it was stupid and would've never worked. Harry's face was emotionless, yet again. Then, slowly, he lifted his head looked deep into Louis' eyes.


§ 10 years ago §

Harry was so nervous, he couldn't even see if he went in to the right toilet and frankly, he couldn't care less. He had the worst anxiety he's ever had in his life because he wasn't used to performing in front of a lot of people. Especially professional judges like the ones here. He was just glad he had finally found a toilet.

'I swear this is the only one in this big ass building.'

He mumbled to himself quite angrily. There wasn't anyone in there to his luck. He opened one of the taps and let it run for a few seconds and splashed the ice cold water onto his face in hope that it would calm him down a bit. Then he stepped over to the toilets, when the door opened with a loud creaking sound, as another guy walked in.

He must have been around his age, maybe a bit older. His medium brown hair was swept to the side, almost blocking his beautiful blue eyes. He was wearing jeans, a shirt, a tie and a brown sweater.

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