chapter 5

794 13 2

§ september 2nd, 2011 §

'Guys, we need to talk.'

Harry and Louis knew they have messed up. They were spotted yesterday in a restaurant holding hands, then later kissing. Nobody posted anything about it, they weren't in any magazines yet but there was some buzzing in the media. And of course Simon was one of the first people to be notified about this.

'You are not big enough yet to be of any interest in the media, the news of you being together wouldn't mean anything. But later on in your careers it could cause you some serious trouble if this gets out now. I have negotiated for a while with them and all pictures and videos are deleted, they won't be released. But I suggest you be damn careful from now on, I don't want you to be seen together anywhere if at least one of the other boys isn't with you. I don't know what's going on with you two and frankly I don't care but it has got to stop. If you ever want a career in music you can't be in "love" with your bandmate.'

He said the word love with such disgust and hate, Harry almost started to cry.

'I don't care what you do behind closed doors, go have sex for all I care, but I don't like this. For fuck's sake, you would let your music careers go down the drain and for what? A little love?'

There it was again, the tone. Harry couldn't hold the tears in any longer.

'But you know what, you will realise a love like this will never last, so just go on, but until then don't you dare show any affection in public. Do you have any idea what a gay couple would do to the whole group? Do you think they'd still be friends with you, if your stupid little fling would interfere with your success? You have other people to think about, not just yourselves. They'd hate you for the rest of their lives.'

'But they are okay with it!'

Louis protested, seeing how angry Harry was, not even being able to say a word.

'For now, yes. I've caught you two in time. You haven't released a song yet so nobody really cares, only small magazines but it would take me about 2 phone calls to destroy them so they backed off. So here's what you're gonna do: you can't sit next to each other at any of the interviews. No more interviews with just the two of you, I do not wanna clean up your mess after you act like a couple. One of you has gotta get a girlfriend, so we can use her anytime people assume you two are together.'

'You can't tell us what to do!'

Harry said, now in tears. He wanted two things in life, to find love and to make it as a singer. He thought it would be easy in One Direction, especially with Simon as their manager, he always believed he wanted what's best for the boys but now he learned he only cares about money. He would rip apart two people just to make more money. He already talked about changing their personalities for the public, so they would be more likeable for young girls but this was just simply disgusting. He didn't understand what was the problem with them being together.

He was just 17 and in love, how could've he understood it?

'Actually I can. Because I am the one who's gonna make you or break you. I am the one who decides whether you are worth keeping. But you know, if you'd rather be in a relationship that's not gonna last instead of being successful with the band, be my guest. I can get the pictures released and then officially break off your contract with Modest. You are someone now, but it would take me 5 minutes to make the world forget who you are. I don't care, you are replaceable.'

'Don't you dare say that to my boy. Don't you dare tell him he's replaceable because he's not. And you know that damn well too.' Louis was furious. He talked slowly and it was intimidating in a sense, even though his voice was shaking. He knew Harry was quite insecure so Simon saying he's replaceable will basically destroy him.

'Never say that to him, ever again.'

'We're getting cocky now, are we? You think I won't destroy you too, if I'm in the mood for that? You are even more easily replaceable than Harry, you are not even worth as much as him.'

And this was the moment Harry broke out of his daydreaming thoughts about how much easier their love would be if they weren't in a band. Simon saying Louis is worth less than him? Louis was the one to keep the band together and nobody could see that because they made him "the joker" of the group. Simon didn't like his voice so he barely got any solos on the album, even though he was the most trained out of all of them due to his age.

His blood was boiling and the vein on his neck started popping. He stood up with the intention of hitting him. He didn't care if he'd be fired, he was so pissed he didn't care about anything else. Luckily Louis knew what he was about to do, so he quickly pulled him back onto his seat before he'd do anything stupid. He knew it would only make things worse.

'It's not worth it, Haz. Just sit down, and calm down please.'

'You are lucky your little boyfriend' - yes, this was said with such disgust that can't be explained with words - 'stopped you. If you had done what you wanted, you wouldn't have a job.'

Simon paused for a moment, glaring at the pair with such disgust, it was touchable.

'Here's the deal you two idiots, you do whatever you want inside but never do anything couple-like in public. You can decide which one of you wants a girlfriend and let me know tomorrow.'

'And what if we don't do what you ask?'

'Then, my dear Louis, I will change you contracts so that you legally won't be allowed to be together. You are just too young to understand what your relationship would bring you. And now get out of here.'

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