“I’m bout ready to fuck these niggas up on some real shit.” Jamahl said.

I looked to where he was looking and sure enough them niggas was gossiping like bitches. Hoe ass shit, I done got pissed off all over again and if a nigga step to me the wrong fucking way, it’s a wrap!

“Let’s go before something happen.” I said.

“Aight.” He said locking his house up and then following me to the car.

I got in and started the car then my phone started ringing and it was Brea. I knew something wasn’t right but I answered and hit the speaker button.

“What’s up Bre?” I said.

“…King’s in the ER and…I think the police found a body…” she said real calm.

“What the fuck you saying?”

“Oh fuck no.” Jamahl said.

“They think it’s Lorenzo…” she trailed off.

I just shook my head…they took my nigga from me.

“You lying Bre…” I said.

“No…I think he’s in ICU and Lorenzo is dead.”

I just sat there contemplating on what I was about to do.

“Life is fucked up.” I said shaking my head.

“Just come up to the ER so you won’t get into any more trouble with anyone.” She said.

“Aight. Bye.” I said hanging the phone up.

“That’s fucked up.” Jamahl said laying back in his seat.

We got to the hospital a little later and Bre was just sitting there with a blank expression on her face, she was sitting next to his mom and I went over and hugged her. She was in tears.

“What happened?” Brea asked as I sat down next to her.

I just told her everything even about Zoe, it pissed me off that she waited that long to tell me what the fuck was up. If I would have went to the party with her or made her stay home none of this shit would be happening right now.

My nigga wouldn’t be in the fucking ER laying on his death bed while my other nigga dead and gone. I don’t understand how the streets found out about what I did so fast cause all I can think of who did this was somebody related to the nigga that tried to rape Zoe.

Speaking of her she was calling me now.

“What’s up.” I said.

“What’s the matter E?” she said.

I could hear Alyssa in the background crying.

Bre just stared at me.

“Bad shit happening right now.” I said not really wanting to tell her.

“Well something is going on in the kitc…fire-” she got cut off from her sentence.

All I heard was screaming and yelling…Zoey was screaming and yelling.

“ZOEY!” I yelled into the phone but then it was disconnected.

Oh fuck! My kid there!

“I gotta go, something is going on at my damn house.” I said running out of the hospital all the way to my car.

I hopped in and sped off before anybody could stop me. I’m shooting to kill this time if somebody fuck with anybody in that muthafucking house. I already know my dad ass ain’t there cause he ain’t never there but I have a feeling this shit isn’t going to be good.

I hate to say it like this but these niggas just started a war with the wrong person.

I just hope my family straight…

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