Chapter Six

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The Destroyer of Olympus

Chapter Six


After a few minutes of discussing the upcoming war, Percy finally said, "Well, it's time for us to go back. It was nice seeing you again. Oh, and Nico, our Masters have offered to give you their minor blessing and train you in how to use it, but you'll have to stay in Tartarus with us until the war."

"Ok. Let me just say bye to my dad and Aunt Hestia," I concluded, before turning around and saying my goodbyes to the two immortal beings. "Alright, let's go." Then we shadow travelled away.


Percy PoV

It's been three months since Nico joined Bianca and me in Tartarus. I've got to say it is quite nice to have some company other than monsters and Bianca, don't tell her I said that. Our Masters just called us to their chamber, probably so we can discuss how to start the war with Olympus. It may just be me, but I'm buzzing with excitement, as in, I can't wait to force those worthless gods and goddesses to fade. After saving Olympus twice for them, with a bunch of other lesser things included, you'd think that they'd respect me and not throw me into Tartarus. Oh well, it's their downfall.

"So, what do you think the Masters called us for?" Nico asked, breaking my train of thought.

I looked to my right to see my wonderful girlfriend holding my hand, after getting a smile out of her beautiful face I turned to Nico, "In all honesty? I think it's about how to start the war. I mean, while we have a plan already, we don't really have a good way to start it. Lord Tartarus, Lord Erebus, Lady Nyx, and Lady Gaia have all been brainstorming brilliant ways to start the war. I have to admit, that I've been doing the same exact thing. So far, the best option I've come up with is ransacking through Olympus to the throne room and revealing ourselves, just to make sure they know that I'm going to make good on my promise to them."

Nico put on a thoughtful face, "That could work, but another way is to appear in the middle of Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood and causing a huge disturbance, to the point the Olympians come to us to see that you'll make good on your promise. However, then we'd have to deal with all the traitorous campers. Did you know that when the Romans learned of your banishment to Tartarus that they actually through a fucking party? I mean seriously, Jason was even the one to start it. The party lasted for three whole days, I mean, what the fuck? You saved all of their asses."

"That sounds fun, and I don't care, anymore. I'm happy that I get to destroy them and fulfill my oath to force the Olympians to fade. Just as an added bonus, though, I'm really looking forward to killing their worthless children, especially that traitorous bitch daughter of Athena." I snarled, causing Bianca to hug me, just so I wouldn't kill a thousand monsters at once… again. When she finally succeeded in calming me down, we just reached the chamber doors. "Alright, deep breaths everyone, because here comes the fun!" I grinned as I pushed through the doors into the chamber.

A/N: Just to piss you off, hehe.

Thalia PoV

Monster attacks have increased drastically in the past week, making me think that Percy was telling the truth about a new war. I still can't believe that he cheated on Annabeth, I mean, she loved him with all her heart, and he just up and cheated on her. I have to admit that I have had a few doubts about the whole story, mainly because his fatal flaw is loyalty. Anyways, that's off subject. Some of the monsters are monsters so old that not even Lady Artemis knows what they are. One of these monsters looked like an overly buff man with metal skin and a rhinoceros' horn. The monster carried an axe shaped like a β (beta). The blades were beyond sharp, seeing as the monster demonstrated by cleaving through two trees in one swing, thankfully, Atalanta jumped out of the way right before it happened, so she wasn't hurt. The worst part about the monster, however, is that we didn't know where to attack to kill it. Artemis had to resort to taking her divine form to kill the monster, and even then, according to Artemis, it put up a hell of a fight. Artemis said that the only reason these ancient, unknown monsters would be attacking is if Tartarus, the Primordial, was awakening. Everybody paled at that, seeing as we couldn't even defeat Gaia, who doesn't control the Pit that monsters reform in. After the attack, Artemis brought us to Camp Half-Blood, saying that she needed to report the news about the ancient monsters to Zeus.

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