Chapter Four

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The Destroyer of Olympus

Chapter Four


The man sighed, "Way to ruin the fun Bianca…" That was all the proof I needed before I launched myself into a hug with the two of them, not believing my luck. I mean, what are the odds of finding the two people you're looking for, within fifteen minutes, in the Greek definition of Hell? One in like, three… maybe. Math was never my strong point. "OI! NICO! I'm happy to see you too, but you're cracking me and my girlfriends' ribs." He gasped out.

I pulled back and looked at the two of them in shock; they both lowered their hoods to reveal the blushing forms of my sister, Bianca Di Angelo, and the man I thought of as a brother, Percy Jackson.


Percy PoV

You may be thinking, way to go, Percy, you let it slip to Nico that you and Bianca are dating. Well, in all honesty, I meant to do that… kinda. I figured it'd be best to get it out in the open before anything else happens. Sure, it wasn't the smartest way to say it, but it still worked. The only thing that bothered me was Nico's lack of a response. He just stood there, open-mouthed and bug-eyed. I decided that the silence was too awkward already, so I decided to break it. "Nico, close your mouth or you'll let in flies." I said sheepishly.

Nico just continued staring at Bianca and I, before he finally closed his mouth.

Bianca PoV

Way to go, Percy. You broke my brother, were the thoughts going through my head. I mean, how stupid can a person be, to just up and say, "Oi, you're crushing my girlfriend and I," to said girlfriend's brother, who didn't know anything going on between the two of us. To say I was shocked when Nico didn't immediately try to punch Percy in the face, is a huge understatement. I know that I'm the older sibling, but Nico was always overprotective of me.

Then I heard my genius boyfriend open his mouth again, saying, "Nico, close your mouth or you'll let in flies." At that, I had to resist the urge to face palm due to the idiocy of the man I love. I won't deny it, I love Perseus Achilles Jackson, but damn he can be so stupid at times. After a couple moments, my brother finally closed his mouth, studying the both of us with suspicious eyes.

Nico PoV

Ok, so you know how I said that I wouldn't mind it if Percy dated my sister, I changed my mind. I mean, it's so not cool to just up and date your best friend's — nay — brother's sister. I mean that's just wrong. It could be considered incest or something. However, based on the flushed looks on my sister's and Percy's faces, they seem like they really care for each other. So while I won't openly oppose them dating while in front of my sister, that will not stop me from yelling at Percy when Bianca's not around.

"Nico, close your mouth or you'll let in flies." Percy said sheepishly. It took me a minute to process just what he had said, but once I figured it out, I followed his advice. Although, I'm pretty sure that there aren't any flies in Tartarus.

After another awkward silence, I finally cleared my throat, "So, uh, you two are dating, huh?" I asked eager to keep the damned awkward silence away this time. "Um, when did that happen?"

"Around fifteen years ago, when I asked Bianca if she wanted to join me in fulfilling my oath against Olympus." Percy responded. Bianca's helping Percy get revenge? I wonder why.

"And to answer your first question, yes, we are dating; do you have a problem with that?" Bianca growled menacingly at me.

"N-no, o-of c-course n-n-not." I stuttered in response, fearing my sister's wrath.

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