Chapter Two

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The Destroyer of Olympus

Chapter Two

Percy PoV


Sadness. Betrayal. Anger. Hatred. Hurt. These were the emotions I had as I was hit by Zeus' favorite toy, sending me to Tartarus… To my new home.

After five agonizing minutes, I managed to get up from my spot on the cold, hard ground of Tartarus. As I open my eyes, I can't believe what I see.


My mind is having trouble processing the figures in front of me. Three of which I'd already met at one point in the past year, the last a complete stranger to me. I instantly know that I'm in trouble. The sheer amount of power radiating off the four beings is so large, that my skin feels like thousands of needles were pricking at me.

The first being was a man, a large, purple-rock bodied, man. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Ever since my escape from Tartarus last time, I prayed to every being I knew that I would neverhave to see him, again. Tartarus, the Primordial of Nothingness, the Spirit of the Abyss — was standing in front of me, talking to two other beings I hoped to never see again.

A woman with pure black skin, with twinkling lights appearing at random intervals on her beautiful figure, stood next to Tartarus. I remembered this being, because I had to run through her mansion with Annabeth to get to the Doors of Death. Nyx, the Primordial of Night, owner of the Mansion of Night, stood there with silver and black eyes glaring at Tartarus and the man next to him.

The man next to Tartarus wore a pure black suit, with black leather gloves and slicked back, raven-black hair. His eyes seemed to radiate darkness, and his skin was as black as Nyx's. I had a guess as to who this being was, but I prayed to the Fates and Lord Chaos that I was wrong.

The woman opposite him had white skin, closed eyes, and a mud dress. Can you guess who it is? Yep, it's Gaia. Fucking Gaia. That's just my luck. And to top it all off, she was smiling in my direction, causing shivers to tingle down my spine.

Before I can think of anything else, the fourth figure, the one I didn't recognize, spoke to me in a booming voice, "Well, well, well. The great Perseus Jackson simply falling into our meeting. I must say, this is rather convenient, seeing as we were going to abduct you soon, anyways."

"Silence, Erebus." Shit, I just had to be right, for once. "Now, Perseus, dear, come closer, there is no escape." Nyx smirked deviously, making me want to run away even more than before. "Don't even think about it boy, don't you want revenge?" I froze on the spot and turned toward her, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

"I don't know what you're talking about —" I started before Tartarus cut in with a barking laugh. The laugh sounded more like a rockslide than an actual laugh.

"Cut the crap, boy." He said abruptly, mid-laugh. "We all know what happened, and we also happen to know the oath you made. An oath, that we," he pointed toward himself and his siblings, "can help you fulfill."

"Why would you, four of the most powerful being to have ever existed, want to help me, someone who has caused all of you, more trouble combined, than all of Olympus has in its entire existence?"

At that, Gaia grinned, and spoke in a tone that one would use while berating a child, "Why, Perseus, you haven't caused us trouble, in fact, you've made our plans go perfect. The trouble you caused was merely a necessity in order for you to join us in taking over the world."

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