Chapter 13

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Something doesn't feel right. My wolf is being giddy as hell. Well, I really do not want to leave my mate all alone but the last time we were under attack it didn't end well, and I do not want to experience it again. I want him to be somewhere far from all the fighting and safe from any harm. Still I can't shake the feeling that there is something that doesn't feel right.

Then out of nowhere dark clouds loom over us, completely covering the whole town. The air feels dangerous as it violently whirl around the place, then thunder booms while flash of lightning strike down. Crap! That is so fucking scary!!!! Oh my God, what is happening??

The rougues run frantically completely terrified, but a lot of them were not lucky enough to escape. Lightning strike them from nowhere, then the others were harshly thrown around by violent gush of winds. Suddenly the ground shook hard bringing all us in our knees. Then after a minute or two, it all stop.

Like seriously, as if nothing happened..

But not really, by the looks of the whole place where some trees which were completely uprooted or some branches that has been torn apart and scattered everywhere.  

Then I felt Nico's fear hit me. I gasp and my wolf growl loudly making the others shake from fear. I'm seeing red, and I know that whoever hurt him will be dead if I ever see him.

I run fast to where he is, letting the bond pull me towards him. But I never thought that my brother will be already with them. I shifted and walk towards Nico, me and my wolf wanted to feel him in our arms and let him know that he is safe.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I hug him tightly.

I feel him nod, turning around I saw my brother inspecting three males who are butt naked. Huh?!

"Who are they?" I ask.

Trenton look at me with a blank face, and let out a deep sigh. "They are one of the rogues that attacked us today."

"Eh? Are you sure?? Damn those rogues, I never peg them to recruit humans to do their--" I was cut suddenly by my brother.

"They're not human before Chess, they are like us werewolves. But someone suddenly attack them taking their wolf away."

My eyes widen and my breathing hitch. I never thought that I would be so scared like what I'm feeling now.

"But how? Can someone actually do that?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. That's why I'm  asking Nicholai and Kimmton because they are the one who were here when I arrived." He said.

I felt Nico grew tense, and Kim shuffle a little edging away from my brother.

"But I never thought that I would discover something. A very important information that I should have known before, no Kimmton?" Trenton said with cold voice. Kim  whimper and I saw tears started to flow from his eyes. Then Deathon suddenly arrive pulling Kimmton towards him, as Kim started to sob.

"Trent, bro just please hear us out. We want to tell you..we really do but--" Deathon starts but Trenton started yelling at him.

"But what! Huh? What kind of lie do you want to tell on my face next? That his an alien? For fuck sake De!! I am your Alpha and God damn it... I'm also your brother!!" He yell loudly, using his Alpha voice making us cower from him. My wolf is whimpering inside of me and some of werewolf near us were on the ground crying. Ugh... I never want to see Trenton become so angry because as an alpha he can do a lot of damage just by yelling. I'm serious. A pissed off Alpha is a force to be reckoned with.

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