Kev's News! ♥

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So people have been asking if there will be a 6th book.


Becoming Mrs. Schmidt: That's What Makes You Mine will be the last book.


Oh and..


Now.. Enjoy!


The marriage license. I completely forgot!

I hurried up to the bedroom to the box marked memories and opened it. I haven't looked into this box since the day I set in the back of the closet. I dug into the box until I got the bottom. The grabbed the envelope and opened it.

The marriage license of Nicole Kinney and Kendall Schmidt.

I smiled as people came into my room. I noticed Kevin was holding Little K.

"What's that?" Carrie asked.

"This is my marriage license to Kendall." I said.

"Wait... You two are already married?" Carrie asked.

"Well, technically  no." I said. She looked at me confused. "Well, I met Kendall because I made him sign this, but he didn't know he was signing this at the time."

"Really?" Carrie asked.

"Yeah, but you know what." I said, looking at Abby. "It was the best thing I ever did." Abby nodded at me as Austin wrapped his arms around her. "I just wish I had him back." I felt a tear run down my cheeks and I turned away from everyone. I felt arms wrap around me. I turned to see it was Kevin. I buried my face in his chest as I cried harder.

"Hey  Nikki, we will get him back and soon." Kevin said. I nodded, not moving. He rubbed my back and no one talked. It was quiet until Little K spoke up.

"I'm hungry." Little K said. I laughed and pulled off Kevin and wiped my eyes.

"How would you like to go call Grandma Schmidt and Grandma Boots and invite them to go out to dinner with us?" Kevin asked. He nodded and ran out of the room.

"We are going out?" I asked.

"Yes so go fix yourself up. Mom is not gonna want to see that you were crying." Kevin said. I nodded. He was right. Everyone left the room.

"GRANDMA!" Little K screamed as I stopped the car. I helped him get out of his booster seat and he ran right to her. She smiled and opened her arms. He jumped right into them.

"Hey Little K." she said. "You ready to eat?" He nodded and we went into the restaurant.

We all were seated and the waiter came over to take our drinks. I had the urge to cry over Kendall so I ordered a Shirley temple to ease the urge. Mama Schmidt looked at me.

"Kev told me about earlier. I'll take Little K back to my place." she said. I quietly thanked her as the drinks came. We ordered food, I ended up ordering Kendall's favorite salad. 

A little while later, Kevin lightly tapped his drink to get everyone's attention.

"You are all probably wondering why I have asked you all here." Kevin said. "Carrie and I have some news." He grabbed her hand before looking at all us. "We are having a baby. Carrie is pregnant!" Kevin said and we all cheered. I hugged her.

"I want you to be the godmother." Carrie said.

"I would be happy too." I said.

"I want Kendall to be the godfather." she said.

"I'm sure he'd love that." I said. I looked out the window. "I'll be back." I said. I walked out the restaurant and looked. I was right. "What are you doing here?"


Sorry it has been taking me a while. I am sick. I have laryngitis and a cold on top of that. I literally cant breathe right now. Thanks for understanding. xx Nicole

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