Dinner Preparations

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"Pip, do I really need to remind you what happened between Mister Burr and pops last year?" Angelica asked still organizing the plates.

Philip sighed. It was impossible to forget. All the conflict between their father and Aaron Burr, the letters, the duel... They were lucky the bullet didn't hit any vital organs and the doctors managed to save his life, but it was close. Philip and Theodosia's relationship became quite awkward whenever their relatives were around, even with Alexander saying that thought Theodosia was a good girl and Eliza always reminding how she and Theodosia Senior used to say their kids would marry someday, Aaron didn't seem fond of the idea of his only daughter and family being courted by Alexander Hamilton's son.

"If they came, it would have granted us another friend to have fun, but the adults would be arguing even more than they usually do!" Philip chuckled and Angelica kept on talking after a brief pause, "I think our family reunions already have enough drama without the Burrs for a while, save it for when you guys get married!" She giggles, actually expecting for the day her brother would marry Theodosia.

Philip snorted and smirked at his sister, "Says the theater kid."

"HEY!" She shouted, feeling that was meant to be offensive.

"Sorry, sis," He chuckled again and stood up, helping her to set the other side of the incredibly long table capable of sitting all the grown-ups while the younger kids would have dinner in the living room, "But you're right. It might still be too soon to put Burr and pops in the same room again. Besides, Theo told me her father wanted her at home tonight for some important meeting so... Let's just forget that I asked that and finish setting this table." He dismissed the subject and shot Angelica a wink, to which she giggled and went after to grab the glasses at the kitchen.


30 minutes later, Philip, Angelica, AJ, James, and John were gathered in a circle at the living room's floor playing cards. Philip smirks before putting his cards down with a smug expression, "Flush."

Angelica stands in her knees in a jump of shock with her mouth hanging open and throws her cards aggressively at the mount in the middle of the circle, "NO WAY! YOU CHEATED!"

All of her brothers started to laugh at her tantrum and tease their competitive sister, who had crossed her arms and pouted in a grumpy manner; when several hard knocks were heard from the front door. Their father rushed to the door and opens a big smile when sees who was there. "HERCULES!" He shouted with open arms, ready for a hug.

"ALEX!" The big man shouted back before bear-hugging his old friend, "It's been so long since I last saw you, little Gremlin!"

The two walked inside the house and headed to the living room as they talked and laughed, Hercules greeted the kids as they had already started another round and the two grown-ups kept on talking, not even listening to the soft knock at the door. Eliza heard it though and fixed her dress before grabbing the handle and opening it with her usual kind smile, which faded a bit when she saw who was at the other side of the door.

The tall Frenchman had his arm locked with his wife, who changed her gaze every two seconds in awkwardness, as he gave a warm but nervous smile to their host, "It has been so long since I last saw you, Eliza"

Eliza smiles and chuckles nervously as she placed a lock of her long black hair behind her ear and took a step back, "I-Indeed it has, Laff!" The two women finally look at each other's eyes and the one dressed in marsala on the outside blushed and swallowed hard, "Miss Maria, how have you been doing?"

"I-I am good, thank you for asking Miss Hamilton," Maria Reynolds, now known as Maria Lewis de Lafayette, sheepishly replied.

There was an awkward silence before Georges made himself seen to break the tension with a warm smile, "Hey! Miss Hamilton, how have you been? You look great tonight, definitely doesn't look like you have more than two kids! Also, has Lizzy get better from that cold?"

Carrying the Legacy: The Revolution ContinuesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang