Untitled Part 11

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Ethari grinned as he sifted through the moon hawk mail. An simple yet ornate letter bearing the stamp of Katolis stood out from all the others. Rayla. She had been sending messages every week about life at the castle.

Just as he began to read the first paragraph, Runaan came down the stairs, their moon hawk perched on his arm with a handful of seeds in his other hand. "News from Rayla, I presume?" He asked. Ethari nodded. "She'll be here by supper. And, she's bringing Callum!"

Runaan felt his arms drop to his sides; the moon hawk pecked at the seeds on the floor.

"She's bringing the human? he practically spat. Ethari rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Yes, Ru. That's what I just said." Runaan sat down next to Ethari trying to grasp proper words. His husband adjusted his hair cuffs for him and sighed.

"Rayla really loves him. And he did save your life, remember? All I'm asking is for you not to beat down on him so hard."

"I know. . ."

"Just try, okay?"

Rayla and Callum walked up the stairs to the treehouse, laughing and reminiscing about the first time they had come here together. Callum had been wearing that ridiculous disguise, but he had saved Rayla from her embarrassment by not using it.

Rayla took a deep breath, and opened the door. Her dads had been waiting for her, and smiled when her face appeared.

"Runaan! Ethari!" She exclaimed as they gave her a warm, then awkward hug. "It's so good to see you! I hope I haven't been bothering you with too many messages." Ethari chuckled. "Well, it would be wrong if our daughter, Dame Rayla, didn't contact us!" Rayla blushed at the title. "Oh, please. Don't call me that at home. I haven't adjusted to it even at the castle, and don't think I will for a very long time."

Ethari gave her another hug, and saw Callum. "Ah! Callum! Trees to meet you!" The mage rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and gave an awkward wave. "Trees to meet you!"

Both Runaan and Rayla groaned. While the saying, "Trees to meet you" was their partners inside joke, they thought it less amusing.

As Ethari led Callum and Rayla to the dining table, Runaan coolly regarded his daughter's boyfriend. He still thought it unfathomable this. . . scrawny human sorcerer was Rayla's lover? Yes, he did know Callum saved him, Tiadrin, and Lain, and for that he did have some respect. But this situation. . . It made him wonder what he had done for the Gods to let him see this day.

Runaan really did not appreciate the couple's flirting. They looked at each other for a moment too long, or they wiped food off each other's mouths, or they became too touchy. Ethari, however, wasn't bothered even a little bit.

"So, Rayla." He said. "I've heard that you've ventured on daring journeys since the last time we've seen you. Care to discuss?" Rayla stopped joking around with Callum, and began to speak about her latest adventures.

They talked for a while, until things became quiet again. For Runaan, this was a blessing. But of course, this wouldn't last forever, and he snapped.

For several minutes, only the sound of their utensils clinking against their plates was heard. Until Rayla started trying to stifle a growing giggle. She had taken a piece of Callum's bread, even though she already had some on her plate.

"What was that?" Callum asked, mocking a serious tone. Rayla chewed the piece of bread, a smile upon her face. "Oh, well. Your food seemed so cute. Just like you." She tapped his nose with her pointer finger. They burst out laughing, but Runaan had enough.

He stood up abruptly, whisking his plate off the table, and headed to the kitchen in the next room.

Ethari stood up as well. "One moment, please." He said hurriedly, and walked to the next room. The couple barely heard him. "Mhm," Rayla murmured, looking lovingly into Callum's big green eyes.

Runaan slammed his plate in the sink, a vein pulsating above his brow. "Runaan?" He heard his husband's voice call. "Are you okay?"

"It's just. . . strange seeing our daughter with a human partner." He sighed. Ethari put his hand on his shoulder. "I know. It's not easy, but you get used to it." He had been left alone for two years, and in that time, gotten to know Callum better. "Besides, he might be the most charming man I've ever met."

Runaan turned around with a raised eyebrow. "I thought I was." Ethari laughed, putting his hand up to brush his husband's cheek before pulling him into a light kiss.

"And here you are, complaining that those two over there are being sappy." He murmured. "I suppose we should get back to them shouldn't we?" Runaan looked at Ethari's features before his eyes landed on his lips. "But do we have to?" He asked quietly, and kissed his husband. Ethari laughed as they broke the kiss, like a thousand tinkling bells.

Perhaps the rest of the night would be smooth sailing. Or not.

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