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(Eyes open) Havana yawns, she stretches wide and long. Something feels wrong, the tips of her fingers are tingling, her heart is racing, and her mind is racing. "What is wrong with me?.." she whispers. She shakes the sensations. Havana begins feeling out the bed making sure little Leo, her 1 year old is sleeping safely next to her, still breathing. Havana sighs in relief "Thank G O D..." she exhales. With stealth, she grabs her phone from behind the bed *creeeeeeek* Havana freezes. Leo wriggles around in bed, flips, and flops, but alas he falls back to sleep. *Sigh of relief* "Okay now I can get up and get ready".
Going straight to the bathroom, Havana used the restroom and took care of her business, secretly hoping her period would arrive. A wave of sadness comes over Havana as she realizes her period may not make an appearance anytime soon. She moves on. Picking up her makeup bag, she debates in her head "Should I even attempt this? Or just go all natural like always?" "....okay I'm not doing this, good idea".

I'm so tired of this.. My period never returns, I'm always angry, sad, anxious, bored. What is wrong with me?

Oh well, I'm going to wake Leo up..

Havana opens the door ever so slightly, something is behind it, it's soft.

"LEO oh my goodness baby I am so sorry, I never heard you cry, I was in my own world there for a minute"

Little Leo gives a chuckle and Havana kisses his cheek.

"Let's start the day why don't we baby?"


"Okay sounds good"

I am going to wake Lewis up now, he can sleep like a rock but this sleep deprived mama is not going to let that happen on her watch. First Leo needs to go in his play pen.

"Mommy will be right back okay?"

"NO no no no no" as Leo shakes his finger letting Havana know he doesn't want to be left alone.

"One second baby I promise, okay?"

"Mama..." says Leo with sad eyes.

Maybe if I take off when Leo looks away he won't notice.. Okay, NOW!

Havana takes off, but she hears something in the back of her mind. It's Leo, Leo is saying something. Looking back at Leo she sees him peacefully playing, not making a sound.

"Then what was that?"

Ugh, this is too much for me, am I literally goings nuts? Coo coo? Crazy? I can't tell but whatever, I'm going to act like it didn't happen..

"LEWIS! Wakey, wakey eggs and BAKEY!"

"Stop Havana you know I hate that"

"Fine, you're no fun"

I'm just going to get back to Leo. He probably needs me.

As Havana is walking back to Leo her finger tips and toes start tingling, she's getting the sensation she had this morning.

STOP. What is this? Maybe if I stomp my toes and grab my fingers it will stop. It's not working, what is happening?

Havana screams, Leo is no where to be found. He's only a year old. She's frantic. Havana begins tearing the whole living room apart where Leo was playing, the kitchen, the guest room. Leo is no where.

Lewis runs to Havana frantically.

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