Chapter 19

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Sam's POV:
Every single one of us took a shower and got ready. We all wore sweat pants and sweatshirts. We all got our stuff and went into the limo. Caroline was just smiling at her phone. "Cara?" No answer. "CARA!" She jumped. "What?" She asked. "You have been smiling at your phone all morning." Matt said. "Oh sorry just texting." She said. We just let her be.

Caroline's POV:

We just arrived in Texas for our next stop. We were getting in our hotel rooms and they were the same as last time. "What are we doing today? It's only 2:30." I asked. "I don't know, probably eat because we're us." Cam said. As Nash, Sam, and I laughed. We got dressed into jeans and t-shirts.

We went to go get food so, Cam was right. We went to Taco Bell because it's a free country. Ricky (dad) and Jc waited for our food while we sat down on our phones. I got a text from Chris.
Chris is HOT😍: Hey, what stop are you on your tour?
Cara: Hey, I'm in Texas. What about you?
Chris is HOT😍: I'm going to Texas tomorrow. We're going on almost all your stops just a day behind.
Cara: YAY I get to see my twin.
Chris is HOT😍: I'm the hot twin though 💁
Cara: Only because you wear a weave 💇
Chris is HOT😍: I got to go. Bye
Cara: Bye

"Who are you texting so much?" Jc asked. "A friend and look food." We all started eating and talking. Hayes and I sat across from each other and we have a lot in common. We ended up talking the whole night with all the o2l guys but, Dad giving Hayes the death glare. Ricky is the type of dad where if I got a boyfriend he would say tell me more. The others would murder them for kissing me on the cheek. They only trust me with Mark, Alex, Josh, and Nick because we're basically siblings. Those 4 would be the ones to punch someone who broke my heart. So, no worries there... We got to the hotel room and I changed into some shorts and a T-shirt then, fell asleep.

--2 Mornings Later-- (Sponge bob voice)

I sat in my room for 2 days because I fell in love with Netflix's so, I had a 2 day marathon. Go me. I texted everyone also and Chris and I got closer.
Today and tomorrow are free days so, we get to do whatever together. Today we decided to go to the mall. I was wearing jeans with an Endless Summer shirt and a bandana. I put on white flip flops and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and wallet. The guys were already ready. "You take really long." They all said.

I just laughed as we walked out the door. We met everyone downstairs and ate breakfast. We got in the limo and I sat in between Hayes and Shawn. "You look pretty today." Hayes whispered to me. I just blushed and looked down. We got to the mall and looked around a lot.
We were walking around until we split up. I wanted to walk alone and we would meet up at 12 for lunch. I was walking around and I walked into the Vans store. I was looking around until someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Chris! "Chris!" I said hugging him. "Hey Cara!" He said. We continued to talk and we walked around. "Hey Cara. Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked nervously. "Yes I would love to." I said. "Great, I will pick you up at 6. Just text me your hotel room" he said. I nodded. "Okay, I got to go. Bye!" I said hugging him. "Bye."

I walked to the food court smiling like an idiot. "Hey you okay..." Kian asked. "Perfect." I said.

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