So this is conclusion  about Pardah.
I have heard down girls say that it's my body and it's my choice whether to hide it or not. Why don't you ask men to keep their gazes low? Why should we women have to cover ourselves?
So my dear daughters Islam doesn't do injustice with anyone.
Where Allah ask women to hide themselves then in the very next Ayah HE also asked men to protect their gazes and private parts.

Quran says,

"Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth: His light (in the universe) may be likened (to the light of) a lamp in a niche: the lamp is in a glass shade: the glass shade is like a glittering star and lamp is lit with the olive oil of a blessed tree which is neither eastern nor western: its oil is (so fine) as if it were going to shine forth by itself though no fire touched it (as though all the means of increasing) light upon light (were provided); Allah guides to His light whomever He wills.He cites parables to make the Message clear to the people; He has perfect knowledge of everything.(Those who obtain guidance to His light are found) in the houses which He has enjoined to raise up and to mention His name therein.  In them such people glorify Him morning and evening as are not diverted by trade and merchandise from remembering Him and from establishing Salat and paying Zakat, for they fear the Day when the hearts will be overturned and the eyes will become petrified. (And they behave like this) so that Allah may reward them for their excellent deeds and, in addition to it, show His favor to them out of His bounty: Allah provides without stint for anyone He pleases."

He is the one who has the knowledge of what is in Heaven or what on earth. Each and every living and non living thing glorify Allah.  Everything knows it's mode of prayers.

Quran says,
"Allah makes the cloud move gently then joins its pieces together: then gathers it into a mass of thick cloud: then you see that rain-drops fall down from its midst: and He sends down hail out of the high up mountains in the heaven: then He smites with it whom He wills and turns it away from whom He pleases: then a flash of lightning from it dazzles the eyes. He alternates the day and the night: there is indeed a lesson in it for those who have observing eyes."

All these Ayah show that how Vegas a human being is. He can't do anything until Allah wills.

He is firm on his words and says,

"Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do righteous deeds, that He will make them successors in the land just as He made those who passed away before them, and that He will establish their religion, which He has approved for them, on strong foundations and will change their (present) state of fear into peace and security. Let them worship Me and associate none with Me; and the one who disbelieves after this,shall be of those who are perverse transgressors. Therefore, establish Salat, pay the Zakat dues and obey the Messenger; it is expected that you will be shown mercy. Do not think about those who have disbelieved that they will be able to frustrate Allah in the land; their abode is Hell and it is a very evil abode"

Human deeds don't affect Allah. If human beings do such good deeds that they can cover up whole universe then still it can't affect Allah and if they do such bad deeds that can cover up whole universe still it won't affect Allah in anyone. He is not the one who needs us and our prayers but we, humans are the ones who need Him and His blessings."

Amma stopped and class ended.

Author's p.o.v

Surely Anfal got lots of things to do after all this.

She directly towards her room and opened her cupboard and saw that there was not a single dress of her her having duppata or veil. All she got were tiny strollers and mufflers .

She went in front of mirror and saw her reflection.

She used to wear jeans with frocks and for the first time that how her jeans reveal her legs that even their curves were can be seen. Her frock's length was not that much to cover up her legs.

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