The cult

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Delilah was ready, she packed everything she needed for the trip. Delilah was with Marie at delilah's house. They were waiting on harry and sam to come pick them up and take them to the location, Marie had packed a camera to take evidence with. Delilah was in her bedroom looking for something she checked under her bed and saw an old photo it was of her and her parents before they split up, she sat on her bed staring at the photo she had her mom's eyes and hair delilah's dad had always said. After delilah's mom left she never came back, she didn't call or write letters like she just disappeared tears started to form but she shook them away now wasn't the time to open old wounds. She got back down on her knees and got back to looking delilah soon felt something grab her

She froze,she couldn't move, delilah saw 2 purple swirly eyes staring across from her. Delilah felt her heart stop

she pulled away afraid of what it was, she turn on her flashlight and looked under the bed to find what it was only to see nothing. Delilah shuddered she didn't want to see them again, she got off her knees and went out of her room were Marie was, Marie was looking through the box that was on the table. What captured Marie's interest was the stitched up toy had looked at

Delilah: I suggest not touching the stitches , it's weird but I feel like something's wrong with that toy


Harry: Alright I got everything we might need, ready sam?

Sam: yes

Both felt uneasy for simulator reasons, sam wondered what the ghost meant by finding their body. Harry was worried about what kind of mess his brother got into.

Harry and sam drove over to delilah's to find them both waiting.

"Ready?" harry asked "Ready" delilah said. The drive was long but soon they ended up at a large building that almost looked finished, "Are you use sure this is the place" mari texted to harry

Harry: yeah pretty sure

All of them got out and went inside, the place was more decorated with an 80s look filled with streamers and heavy metal equipment. "Let's split up" sam suggest and walked away with harry.

Delilah and Marie walked around the place using the flashlight marie had brought with them. The place was huge,"This place is easy to get lost into" delilah said

Sam and harry were in the kitchen

Sam was getting an off vibe from the kitchen, " harry I think we should leave" he said.

Harry: AHHHH

Sam turned to find that animatronic had jumped on harry, blocking his view. Sam grabbed a broom and started hitting animatronic. On the 3rd strike the animatronic jumped off and skittered away, sam didn't get a good look at the animatronic but there were 2 things that sam had seen a pair of glowing red eyes and a sadstic grin.

Sam: you are okay?

Harry: yeah thanks, what do you think that thing was ?

Sam: I don't know, but I have a feeling we should follow it. Come on

Sam and harry then followed the animatronic


Delilah: hey mari over here

Mari walked over to where delilah was standing to where delilah was. Delilah and mari where soon standing in front of a wall

Delilah: something's off with this wall

Mari just looked at the wall before she turned her direction to a small switch curiously she flipped it. The wall soon moved and revealed a secret room, mari turned on the flashlight on her phone the light showed a long hallway

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