Graveyards...There's a ghost in a machine

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Deliah: wait

Sam didn't stop running

Harry: um deliah I think I know where his going

Harry then showed deliah a photo of a graveyard

Harry: it was inside with the letter

"We have to go get him" deliah said she then hissed in pain remembering about her arm "I'll go get him after I take you to the hospital" harry said

A few hours after driving to the hospital for a check up the doctor said that deliah would have to get a cast or  few stitches.

Harry: are you gonna be okay?

Deliah: yeah you just go find sam and be safe.

Harry drove to where the photo of the  graveyard was taken he saw sam sitting on a nearby bench that overlooked the graves, he walked towards sam and was about to call out when he heard sam crying harry then saw a young woman approached him. The woman had kind eyes and looked like an older more mature deliah and yet she wasn't, harry watched as the young adult comfort sam a couple minutes later the woman hugged sam and left. Once she was gone harry walked over to sam.

Harry: hey you okay?

Sam: not really

Harry: do you mind telling me why you left?

Sam: I just couldn't take it

Harry gave a confused and worried look, "What do you mean?" He asked sam took out the paper he had crumpled up and gave it to him it read:
Dear Jenny
You will never have to worry about me, rather than trying to fix things in the beginning I ignored it until she was gone and when they left I cried countless days now I only see what I have created with him only to be monsters the thing I created was just a doll. A doll with empty eyes that no longer bring me joy only agony and pain soon I shall be joining my daughter soon after you read this I have only this request please burn the monstrosities I had built with my co worker with my house along with it

                                  Always with love


Harry couldn't speak he knew what the person meant in the letter but he didn't know why it would effect sam, "it's silly isn't it" harry turned to see tears coming down from Sam's eyes

Sam: I didn't even know him that well and yet I'm crying over him

Harry: it's okay to grief you can't always hold it in deliah learned that the hard way

Sam wiped his tears away and gave a questioning look. Harry took a deep breath." Deliah's mom left her and her dad when she was 13 she holded in her pain until she broke down a month later"

Both boys sat in silence," so who was that woman you where talking with?"
Harry asked

Sam: I don't know she just saw me crying and came over to comfort me.

Harry: what did she say?

Sam: she said that I have to move on because he's in a better place.

"I'm sorry for leaving you guys" sam said quietly "it's fine" harry said with a reassuring smile. "How is deliah?" Sam asked.

Harry: fine but she may have to get stitches and or a cast. Can I ask you something?

Sam: sure ?

springtrap and deliah: letters of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now