finding letters

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It was late summer night at harry house. Harry was cleaning an old closet that hadn't been used in a long time his brother wasn't home at the time so he had to clean it by himself, he walked deeper into the closet trying to find anything else he could give away it was getting darker as he stepped deeper in. He stepped lightly,
Squinting his eyes and trying to feel the walls. He tripped over something he felt the floor till his hand hit something he felt the thing, it was a hard and squared box it felt a little heavy; he took the the book to his room. He turned on the lights and put the box on the table, the bottom of the box was pitch black the lid was a dark olive green there was a drawing of a rabbit was on the lid. The box somehow made him feel nostalgia, he opened it to find a black and green journal, a photo of harry and his crush, and a letter it was sealed with a red heart sticker. Though curious about the letter he took out of the journal and looked at it


Harry opened the book on the left side it said

To my bestfriend deliah...who ever finds this ( harry If this is you ) please give this to deliah after I leave


SP? Harry wondered, he decided to show deliah tomorrow the notebook, she may know something about it the person does mention her and him plus there's a photo of him and her.


Deliah: you found this in the back of your closet?

Harry: it looks pretty outdated since the writing look like it faded abit over the years

Deliah: so why did you bring it over

Harry: well it had your name in it and mine, plus a photo of us.

Deliah: well we may as well read it, maybe it can give us some clues to help us

They sat down and read the first page...

Hello,harry's uncle said that writing down my thoughts,emotions and other things to help me.....if you must know I'm doing this for deliah an old friend she's nice
A little headstrong but nice but I don't blame her, her parents are divorced. I know what it's like to be an only parent, let's just said that me and her father didn't have the best relationship....yeah, I kinda feel guilty about it anyway deliah also had a friend his names harry, like her father we didn't have a good relationship but we got a long after a few days later after our deal....I know this won't make up for what I did but its a start. Well I better go to bed talk to you soon
                                     Night, SP

Deliah: well we now know that this guy went to you uncle for thepy.

Harry: and that he used to live with you and your dad, maybe your dad could tell us something

Deliah: can't he's at candy con right now

Harry: well let's check some more pages maybe we could find more clues

Deliah: hey this one's about your brother

Harry: let me see

Harry's older brother's an IDIOT, he's rude, selfish and a spoiled brat. I know what it was like when a kid goes through that "phase" of his but THAT'S STILL NO EXCUSE TO TREAT HARRY LIKE THAT....I could scare him to teach him a I can't 1. That would make things worse 2. His mom would get involved and 3. Harry wouldn't like that. Still that idiot needs to learn...maybe I could use the phantoms. But they were died in fazbear fright when the place burned down...great I got nothing, though now that I'm looking back a what I wrote I now just realized....I care for harry. He reminds me of 2 kids. Sorry my memory isn't...good I mean it's been 30 years for Pete sake! All I can remember is that they weren't very close, their relationship reminds me of harry and his brother relationship. I don't remember their names but all I know is that the little boy died from a spring lock incident with a golden bear, it hurts to think about it...
                 I should probably get some rest night, SP

"That's it fazbear fright we could go their to find out more information about this guy" deliah said with an adventurous look " but the place burned down" harry said " so?"

Harry: it's a DEATHTRAP

Deliah: we'll be careful, we could go later tonight

Harry: fine but if something happens we're getting out of there straight away. Deal?

Deliah: deal

Deliah walked through a dark hallway  trying to find away out, she heard a chuckle from behind and turned to see a green rabbit with swirly glowing purple eyes. He had a sadistic, murderous grin on his face. Blood was splattered on his fur and on his axe, he started swinging his axe at her missing in the process. She ran without at a moment's waste. Darting through the long hallways and took a sharp turn to the right, not stopping till she got into a room that had steel iron doors, pressing down on a button she slammed the door shut and collapsed into a chair...after a few breaths she got up and looked around the room, it had a black desk on the desk was computer and there was a big  window. The computer wasn't working right so she went back to exploring the room she accidentally tripped on one of the chairs legs and fell on the floor, she groaned and started getting up looking at the desk she found some old news papers the headline read

Everything must go! Things from fazbear fright being sold at the Auction.

Deliah put the paper down and started searching for more papers connected to the Auction, after awhile of Searching she found nothing.




Deliah the slowly turned her head to see the murderous rabbit waving at her with the creepy grin still on his face. She quickly dived down under the desk covering her ears and shutting her eyes tightly to block out the rabbit pounding on the door

Deliah: its just a dream,its just a dream, ITS JUST A DREAM


Deliah opened her eyes finding herself  back in her room, her head darted to her alarm clock 8:00pm was in neon red. "Its time" she thought, deliah took out her purple book bag and stuffed a flashlight and her phone with a small note book and pen. She went out the front door and saw harry at the sidewalk waiting for her.

Harry: ready?

Deliah: ready


Hi guys so I'm going say a few things, first off this book is going to be something like the twisted ones series from fnaf...( thought I have never read the book and looked it up on the wiki) except this takes place many years later after the events of springtrap and deliah; second 2 of my OC's will be in this book I already have an idea for the ending and that this will be updated later tonight ....maybe, I will try to make this like a real book except my way and don't worry I will maybe try to update my other book it just depends on what I wanna do......either way i look forward to update and I'll see you soon bye 😉

springtrap and deliah: letters of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now