fazbear fright

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After a few hours of walking they both finally got to the place, it badly burned it was a wonder how it was still standing after years of neglect and being burn down.

Deliah: so you said this place was rebuilt on the original freddy fazbear's

Harry: yes

Deliah: alright then what are we standing around here for let's go in

Harry: deliah wait!

Deliah ran inside ignoring her friend waring. Harry went after her, inside he was hit by the stench of smoke and moldy pizza. "DELIAH" harry yelled, he started walking around trying to find where she went


Deliah was trying to find the office from her dream, it wasn't easy it was like this place was a built to be labyrinth. It took a few hours but she finally found it, she started looking through cabinets and files trying to find anything that would help. She started looking on the computer to help her

Harry was walking around it wasn't helpful that all the walls looked the same

???: Follow me

Harry: huh

Harry turned around to see a bear that looked badly burned thought he could see that the bear's fur had a throw in mixture of dark purple that seemed to have faded into the coal blackness of the bears fur, it had a black top hat and matching bow but the most striking thing about it was is pure bright soulless white eyes. "Follow me" the bear repeated Harry gulped and started to follow it

The computer wasn't working right no matter how hard Delilah tried, the files where either locked with some code protecting it, Deleted,or lost. She then saw something that was different from the rest of the files

Harry was hit with the stench of blood and rotting corpse when he reached the room (after hitting the jammed door a few times) he walked around the room taking it all in. The room had a creepy aura to it, his head hurt it was like he was hit in the head he almost thought he'd seen a ghost but shook it off.

Deliah opened the file to find a video cilp, a game, and started a blueprint of a house. She checked the desk to find 2 keys on the same hook and a tape with a tape recorder she used her phone to take a photo of the blueprints, download the video and the game onto her phone took the keys, the tape and tape recorder and left the office.

Harry turned to leave when he spotted something it was a fredbear plush with white eyes He took the plush and meet Delilah outside.

Deliah: it wasn't that bad now was it

Harry: yeah, we'd better get home


Once home Harry looked through the journal to find more clues

Therapy is going fine I'm starting to remember somethings though I can't say anything for deliah, she still has nightmares I keep telling myself they'll go away. Anyway I remember that I used to build things (though I don't think it will come in handy anytime soon); but I what I do know is that after therapy I have to go somewhere I'll think about it later I also recall I made a plush for a little kid once I probably should get to bed... Tomorrow 's another day
Harry: seems like he used to build things I wonder if it's the same plush that I found  today

Harry gotten a video from Delilah. The video showed a green bunny animatroic walking in an alleyway trying to find something collecting small pieces of paper every time he found one a different number would flash on the screen

Harry decided to go get something to eat anything figure this out later tonight, not noticing a plush with white eyes staring at him
Deliah was looking through the blueprints to find anything useful, she wrote down the address of the house and started to get ready for bed she has a long day ahead of her tomorrow

Hi everyone sorry this chapter's short bye

springtrap and deliah: letters of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now