masks holding the past

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Harry went back to his house and laid down in his bed trying to relax but he couldn't get the vision of the corpse out of his head "who was that girl" harry thought. He tossed and he turned a couple of times trying to get comfortable but he couldn't, harry got up and went get a snack he stopped at his brother's door. Harry knocked on the door but nobody answered he opened the door to find a head set and controllers near his brother's tv a black and red bunny mask was leaning on the controllers, harry felt the urge to put on the mask he took the mask from the set and put it on.

His breathing slowed and his vision started to blur his eyes closed they reopened he was in a pitch black void whispers started to came from every direction. It started to get hot,smoke
started to appear harry soon felt the sting found himself not able to breathe, harry soon fainted

He'll come back when the cult has risen and joined as one

Harry jolted himself up to find himself in his bed everything felt woozy. He got up and went to the kitchen to get himself some water, his eyes widen when he saw the fredbear plush staring at his soul his eyes were no longer white but pure vibrate green. Harry swore he heard giggling, he ignored the stuffed toy and went towards the fridge, after getting a water bottle and an apple from the basket of fruit he turned his head back to the stuffed toy to see it holding a brown bear's mask it had red cheeks and freckles on its snout. Harry had his doubts on putting another mask on due to the last one giving him a headache but he sucked it up and put it on, harry's vision blurred for a couple of minutes before his vision became clear again. He was on stage holding a microphone in his hand

Where am i?

Harry soon saw a bunny animatronic walking through the room carrying a small brown bag that glowed, the bunny soon left the room and harry followed it through many hallways until the bunny stopped at a room with decorations and party favors. He watched as the bunny pulled back a purple curtain with a star pattern he couldn't see much only red fur and a golden eyes. The bunny laid the animatronic down on it's back and took out a knife and cut opened it's eye and stomach, it took the eye and something else that harry couldn't see. The rabbit soon disappeared into the shadows, harry took off the mask and was soon transported back home him put the mask down and noticed the fredbear plush had another mask it was a white and pink one he put it on. He was in transported into a closet, harry was on all fours and couldn't speak he slowly moved out the room and throught the hallway.

Harry then saw a lamp on the ceiling and gotten an idea, he jumped up and grabbed it by his feet harry then swung from it letting go when he had enough speed and tumbled down to the end of the hallway and reaching the stairs harry was dizzy after that stunt he did, so he grabbed the beam that was connected to the wall and slid down the stairs.

Sam used the flashlight deliah had given him and taped a piece of light purple to where the shined when it turned on, he shined the light onto the paper his eyes widen when he did

Sam: hey deliah can you check online for a place called Jrs?


Harry reached the end of the stairs to see the same bunny from before. It was fighting someone who was wearing the same mask he saw in Matt's bedroom, the animatronic rabbit hit the masked person with a bat right in the face knocking them unconscious the rabbit then checked their pockets to find anything the rabbit left them alone after finding nothing. Harry tried to get a good look at the rabbit's bag, he only saw a few things poking out the bag there was an robotic arm, pieces of burnt metal and a journal.

Harry wondered what the rabbit needed with those parts. After watching the rabbit disappear again harry took off the mask to find himself back home but the plushie was gone in it's place was another mask of a man harry was a little creeped out by the texture of the masked it looked too life like he decided that this would be the last time he'd put on a mask. He went to his room and laid down on the bed, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes and put on the mask.


Deliah checked the computer and found a photo of a newspaper article from 1985 it read:

New vintage pizzeria opens up

6 Kids killed at the hands of a golden rabbit 5 days later

Sam: so there was another murder spree

Deliah: yeah and it seems to have happened in a nearby town.

Sam: how far is it?


Harry open his eyes to find himself in a large dark place with a prize corner full of toys and treats. Harry took only the flash beacon from the counter before to the next room, it was dark decorations where scattered around the place red arrows shined when the beacon flashed it's light. Harry followed the arrows through twist and turns when harry finally got to the end of the maze he saw a woman go behind a curtain. He followed her to a room that 4 other people were in, they all where wearing bunny mask and suits in different colors harry saw a bunny in the center of the room hooked up to wires and a jar filled with a glowing  object

????: do you have it?

Female rabbit: *nods*

The girl took out a child's body harry could see that the child was dead it was wearing a fox's mask to cover its face the woman then hooked the masked child to an electric chair, "Flip the switch!" The one wearing a gold and green mask said. In a instant the child was shocked harry watched in horror as it's life force was taken out of him and placed into a melted animatronic.

????: how many more do we need for him to come back

Female bunny: only 2 more

Harry then saw a blueprint on the wall for an animatronic endoskeleton that was in the shape of a rabbit.

You have to stop them

Harry blacked out. He woke up to the sound of his phone ringing he was back in his room he answered his phone.

Deliah: hey harry me and sam need you to take us somewhere

Okay so first off sorry for not updating but to be fair fazbear's frights book 4 didn't come out at its exact date ( from what I heard was that there was a mix up or something) I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time

springtrap and deliah: letters of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now