the last clue

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Harry was standing in front of a large shaped figure he could barely make out the only thing that he could make out was its light grey eyes that stared right at harry, he tried to move but something made him stuck it place. He looked around the place to find something that would help him but the place was dark, a strong smell soon hit harry's nose

"Gasoline" harry thought his eyes soon turned to the bulky figure, something hit it. The thing was hit 3 times before the light in it's eyes died, it soon went up in flames harry shut his eyes tightly so he could avoid the smoke coming towards his eyes.

He felt the heat soon died and the thing he was in loosen up the locks harry stepped out lightly he looked down at the pile of burnt metal and fur to see something shiny sticking out. Harry picked up the thing to find it was a bottle full of something glowing its colors where white and dark shadow like color with a tint of green he put the bottle in his pocket and walked around the room to find an exit

Sam looked up to find harry asleep, sam got up and went into the kitchen his eyes widened as he found himself in a different room.

The place was was full of decorations and had a creepy feeling to it the was almost dark with little light, there were red arrows pointing in a single direction.

Sam felt the urge to follow the signs, he started walking in the direction he ended at a party room full of decorations there was a door that was in the shape of a picket fence

I wouldn't go in there

Sam turned around to see a young child with curly black hair their face was covered by a green alligator mask that had a devilish grin

Sam wondered if it was the child grinning or it was just a painted one he shuddered getting a bad feeling from the child

It's dangerous

Sam wondered what was so bad behind this door

I don't see you as a threat but you need to stay out of my way

"Sorry kid" sam thought, he turned facing the door

It's your funeral then

Sam felt a sudden child run down his spine he turn his head back to find the kid gone. Trying to shake of the feeling he turned his attention back to the door he went in.


"This is a weird dream" harry thought he was soon outside of room and was in the woods it was pitch black with no stars out. Harry tried to navigate his way through the woods he soon saw light up at head and quickly walked to it. Feeling his way to the door, once inside he quickly shut the door the feeling of paranoia and anxiety taking over.




Harry tried to calm down his beating heart telling him that this was all a dream once his breathing slowed he looked around the room, there where a few windows and doors that led to the outside, there was only one bed covered with a green sheet and red covers.

Near the bed was a night stand with and alarm clock and note harry when over and read the note


Sam was in a corn maze, he remembered a time when his mom took him to a Halloween festival when he was little, he smiled remembering the good times he always tried hiding from his mom in the corn maze until he cried when he thought she abandoned him.

springtrap and deliah: letters of The Pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن