secrets from the dark come to light

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Alright Mari it's time are you ready


Good just remember I love you

Deliah jolted up she looked around soon remembering she was at the hospital and what happened a few hours ago, she saw marie asleep on a chair a sandwich was on the table. Deliah smiled and ate the sandwich. Deliah went for a walk around the hospital after she was finished and soon bumped into harry and sam

Harry: oh we were looking for you, anyway I wanted to give you this

Harry handed over the letter from the box they had found a couple days ago, "I think we should go back to Marie before you read it" sam suggested quietly deliah took a quick look at sam he looked tired. Deliah,sam,and harry went back into the room where deliah was. Marie was awake and on her phone, sam and harry sat down near her while deliah sat across from them on the bed. Deliah weighed the letter something other than paper was in the envelope curious she opened the envelope and took out the letter

It read:

Dear deliah and harry

I just want to thank you for everything, deliah you helped me want to change for the better and harry you gave me the help I needed even after everything that I did....I don't think I have much time left after everything they still haunt me no matter what I did I can never forgive myself....deliah I hope that one day you can forgive me but I don't think I deserve it.

Harry I want you to know that I think you're the right person that can make deliah smile again.

The last section was blank the only words where William Afton.

Deliah: This is odd, the last part of the section is blank

Harry: let me see

Deliah gave harry the phone he looked it over squinting his eyes "I think there's more writing" harry said, "let me see something" sam said he took out his phone and put a purple colored len on his phone's light

He lowered the room's light and turn on his phone's flashlight. He shone the phone's light and pointed it's direction on the letter.

Sam: deliah there's another part of the letter.

Deliah walked over to them and read the rest of the letter

Nick I want to apologize for everything I put you through I know you will never forgive me and I'm fine with it like I said before I don't deserve forgiveness I'm gonna leave soon and I want to give you something it's in the don't have to forgive me just please keep the ring.

Deliah turned the envelope upside down and shook it a small sliver ring that was hanging from a string landed in the palm of her hand. Deliah's eyes widened

Deliah: Is this....

Harry: looks like it

Sam: I don't think it is, in the letter there's no mention of him loving Nick.

Deliah: well I'll give it to my dad when he gets back from candy con

Sam,deliah, and harry's phones soon buzzed they all checked learning it was a text from Marie

Marie: You don't think he....

Sam: sounds like it

Harry: well that explains what happened to him but I have to figure out what my brother's up too.

Deliah: what's has he been doing?

Harry was quiet he almost went pale remembering the dreams he had, "I don't know, but I feel like it's not good thing . Me and sam went to my house and checked his phone to find an odd text message with directions to a place."

Deliah: well let's go there then

Harry: deliah no your hurt what if something worse happens to you

Sam: I'm agreeing with harry on this one, deliah we may have to wait awhile

Deliah: but you heard what harry said this thing Matt's been doing for all we know he could get himself killed!

Harry: we all could get killed if we continued this, deliah please! Just for a few days

Deliah hesitated but agreed, Soon they  where able to leave the hospital harry dropped deliah off at her house with mary then he and sam went back to his house.

Sam sat on the couch and looked at his phone harry sat next to him his mind buzzing around the fact that something was wrong and that his brother was in on it how long was matt doing it and why. Soon harry was exhausted by thinking to hard, he dozed off into a deep sleep


When all the leaves have fallen from the tree that's when we strike!

Alright everyone, that's it for now
I'm sorry for not updating I have stories I need to publish and more to write before a deadline (the new fnaf game) so I decided to finish this book first and do the other ones I have to write. I'll see you next time

springtrap and deliah: letters of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now