Some time later: Landon

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I'm so proud of Nikki. I knew he was smart, of course, as one of my favorite things of late is to cook him a meal and we sit at the table for hours, drinking a good red and just talking. I could get lost in his clever mind. But he's flying at his new job. I've stayed away during his working days because I don't want him to think I'm pushing in, even if I'm dying to, but Gray went to visit the gallery last week and he said he could barely get in the place to make his planned 'support' purchase, because it was packed while Nikki and his colleague Cassie ran some impromptu art exhibition event, and the owner rang Chris to ask if he'd supply more pieces because they'd almost sold out.

When he gets home tonight, I've made him his favorite alfredo and he comes into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around me from behind, his fingers playing up and down my stomach in a way that sends goosebumps through me.

"This is special, what's the occasion?"

I raise an eyebrow. "I make you dinner every time I can?"

"Yeah but not heart stopping creamy sauces. Is that garlic bread?"

"Yes, but there's salad, too."

He laughs, kissing the back of my neck before heading off to shower.

The truth is, this is something special. I nearly took him out – Frankie offered me a reservation in one of his classiest restaurants – but I wanted to be at home for this.

When he comes out, looking sexy in light blue jeans and no socks, only a white shirt covering his torso, drips from his wet hair making it transparent in places, I have to stop myself from slamming into him, throwing the contents of the carefully laid table to the floor so I can lay him across it instead. No, that's for later, hopefully. If this goes well.

I serve us, but I barely eat anything, too anxious about how this might not go the way I hope.

"Landon, I feel like you want to talk to me about something. Will you do it? You're making me nervous."

"Okay, there's two- no, three things, actually. You're doing well at the gallery."

"Yes. I enjoy it a great deal."

"Chris suggested something. His work is increasingly popular, and he was thinking of opening his own gallery, but he doesn't want to run it. When I told him how well things were going, he suggested you could do it."

"What? But I know nothing. I've only been there a few weeks."

"I thought you might say that, and I mentioned it to Chris, though he said some people simply have a natural affinity. But he also suggested Cassie could help, because he understands you're a good team, and that you could learn more by going to school at the same time."



"I don't want you to pay for school."

"I would, you know. But it's okay you feel that way. Chris told me how many of his pieces you've sold, and he said he would pay you both a commission. You'd be earning more than double what you make now. At least. You could pay for school yourself."

He's looking interested now, so I land the piece de resistance.

"Plus, Chris would want other artists to be included. Carefully selected and curated. By him, yes, but by you as well."

Nikki smiles, sweet and warm, and I have his answer, even if I know he'll want to think about it before he comes to the decision he's already made.

"I want you to move in." I had to get it out, while I'm on good form, even if I can feel my heart pounding. It's not helped when Nikki laughs, and doesn't stop until tears are rolling from the corner of his eyes.

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