March 1

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A/N: we finally hit March and, to celebrate, two chapters for the price of one.


François and I are having a snack in his office, courtesy of the kitchen he recently had fitted in a previously unused area of the basement. It delivers bar snacks to the various floors via a dumbwaiter, although, this being François, they're a step above standard bar fare. I pop a maple roasted hazelnut into my mouth as I wait for François to tell me why he wanted me to come tonight.

"Is this something to do with the Russians?" I ask, finally, when he seems disinclined to say anything. "You know my people found nothing to connect them. Andrei Volkushkin recently took over another New York property developer, far smaller than your company, and all the information we have suggests he is happy with that for the time being."

"Did you finish the background check on Nikolai after I gave you his passport?" he asks to my surprise.

"Yes, everything checked out. The only reason we didn't get the information sooner is because he only arrived two months before you met him. But he was homeless; it's understandable he lost track of time and that it felt like longer. You think he has a connection to the Russians? He's definitely Belarussian, not Russian. His father is American but Nikolai's lived in Minsk since he was five. Mother, father, sister, brother. He was a college student. There's nothing to suggest he's connected to the Volkushkin family."

"Perhaps not," but François seems like he's thinking. "You should take on a contract," he suddenly announces, a change of tack that leaves me reeling.

"What? Why?"

"It's been a while. I'm sure one of the new subs would do you good."

"Oh? You have someone in mind?" Wondering if he's going to suggest Nikolai.

"I do, actually. Dae. He needs someone who can deal with his brattiness. I had to punish a Dom who took things the wrong way with him. I can't leave him loose."

I think. I haven't worked with Dae, but he is utterly gorgeous. The perfect mix of sweetly innocent and bratty slut. I haven't even really interacted with him at all, but you can see it in the way he carries himself and the way he relates to Doms and the other subs. The other subs mainly adore him, because he's a lot of fun, although I have seen the fear the more timid ones look at him with, because they're scared he'll get them into trouble. But the tougher ones, like Nikolai and Ellis and Owen, they make quite the band, when François lets Ellis hang out with them anyway.

"I'll ask him to scene, if it makes you happy, François."

"It does," he chuckles, and I can practically see the cogs whirring. I swear he's going to get like Gray soon, wishing we would all get into relationships like him.

* * * * *

Dae is wearing a red wrist band and sipping a fruity looking cocktail at the bar.

"Can I make you a drink, Master Dexter?" Jax asks me, and I see the way Dae's head spins round when he hears my name. Promising.

"I guess so, Jax, thanks; just my usual." Jax slides a whiskey across the bar and I take a sip. "So, Dae, not planning to scene this evening?"

He flushes so prettily; his creamy skin taking on a dusky pink hue.

"No, Sir. I was dancing downstairs; my shift finished twenty minutes ago."

"Oh dear, I wish I'd got here twenty minutes earlier," I purr, leaning in just a little. His almost-black eyes go very wide, but he doesn't lean away, which I like. I like my subs to be able to stand up for themselves and not to be scared of me.

I walk a fine line sometimes. I'm tall. I'm broad and muscular. I have quality resting bitch face. I know all that, and the effect it creates, and I'm at peace with it. But I don't like subs I work with to be scared of me, even in play-mode. Plus, although it's been a long time since I encountered a sub who was sexually turned off by my dark skin, I know there are those who fear that, too. It's one of the reasons I dress like I do; natty vests and fitted trousers subvert some of the ingrained prejudices people have, and it's a small price to pay as I actually feel more comfortable making an effort with the way I dress.

"How do you feel about piercings, Sir?" Dae asks me, and I'm the one who's backing away, in shock at the casual way he comes out with it, apropos to nothing.

"Um, I like them, Dae. Do you have any?" I'm sure I'd have noticed, I've seen him on the stage. But I find myself imagining what he'd look like with a small metal ring through his nipple, what I could do with it...

"I don't, Sir. But I like Nikki's tattoos. I don't think I want a tattoo, but he told me what each of them mean. I think I'd like some piercings to show strength, or something." I wonder what he means by that, but he gets a look on his face, like he's said too much. "Besides, I hear tongue piercings are really good for giving head." I burst into laughter at that, and he grins, pleased with himself.

"They are, Dae. But be aware that you won't be able to do it for at least six weeks."

"Oh! Maybe I should wait then," and he looks up at me through his delicate lashes, nibbling his plump lower lip. "Are you coming to the club tomorrow, Sir?"

"I am, Dae," I tell him.

"Okay. I won't drink tomorrow then. It was nice to see you Sir." He slides off the bar stool, giving me a little wave and smile before heading off to the locker room. Phew, I think this boy might be just what I need. Good call, François.

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