I like you

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Sarah's POV.

I think we all fall in and out of love, compassion and trust. It is just a matter of time when it happens.


Later that night I stood on the window feeling the calm air that blew my hair in all directions thinking where did James wander. I had text Zack to see if he has any knowledge about it since he knows a lot of people. James's parents seemed to pace around in the lawn probably waiting on when James would show up. Little later he did show up and was engulfed in the hug by his parents.

Sometimes we don't know how much importance we hold in someone else's life. I watched all of it with a small smile. I messaged Zack that he doesn't have to pull strings anymore since James came back. He replied with an okay and told me that there has to be something brewing up with James. Zack even told if anything, James seems like a little secretive with disappearing over the weekend and even today. I let the topic slide with an okay. Deep down I knew he was right but whatever. I shrugged it off when James came on the window with a small smile.

The week following it James was present every single day in school making light conversations with everyone. Making amends of all the crude comments and snide remarks and weird attitude all at once. If I were any one of the people from my group I would not ever make peace with someone but for me, everyone seemed to wave a white flag. Even with Zack, he was suspicious but didn't show it. When we worked together for our English literature essay, he ascertained me that he isn't very fond but he is willing to be civilized with him. I and Zack worked hard for the essay that included me and him being exhausted by the time it was due.

Today we had to turn in the essays and whatsoever the reason be, relief washed over the whole student body because turning one of the Shakespeare's play into modern day life story was quite a difficult task. However, everyone did their jobs well and we pretty much had the break after that. We lazily sat at our usual table away from all the school jocks and queen bitches.

"Hey everyone!" James came last while we all were sitting on the table already. I waved him, while the girls said hey in a decent manner and the guys nodded in response.

"So what are you all up to?" James asked.

"Nothing just bored." I said.

"Assignment is finally done and dusted!" Ellie sighed dramatically.

I chewed on my pizza and fries while the girls lived on salads. I swear I don't know how. I was just savouring my pizza.

"Don't you dare!" I warned Nate who just grinned in response. When he tried picking my French fry, I hit him hard on the hand.

"Oww. You woman, you're so violent!" Nate pouted while Zack grunted and other's laughed.

"So how about we hang out after school?" By now James was seated beside me and was staring at me. My best guess for that is I might have cheese smeared all on my cheek because of the pizza.

"Sounds like a plan!" Ellie nodded.

"My place then!" Zack grinned.

"Wohooo! I'll see you guys later." I retreat back to class since I have an early one. Once I reached the locker, I dump everything inside and take the book for the next class.

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