Mathematics and flirt?

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Sarah's POV

One smile can change the world and yours can change mine

The first period sucked. It legit sucked.
I was bored out of my mind wandering to the time I was drooling over Zack. He looked hot, to be honest. He was charming. Man, he was definitely something.

After some time of still thinking about how hot my best friend is my attention shifted to a loud outburst in the class. Looks like we have clown of the year already! By Clown I mean Nate. He entered in all his glory as if his father owned the damn school. Well, if his father did we sure as hell had some free passes in school.

"Mr Anderson care to explain why are you late!?" Our mathematics professor asked loud enough to take everyone's attention off the bickering that seemed to occur.

"Oh you know the usual, late school night" cocky as ever with a flushed face he answered making everyone laugh. I knew he just loved passing time. His answer definitely agitated our professor and so he was told to sit on the first bench.
That served him right, bitch.

Moments later when everything finally settled, a chit slid to me. Sighing I looked at the source. That was Lucas.

Man, he is some other level guy.

I wearily opened up his chit.

You look hot. We could go somewhere private. Let's have some chat.

This guy had the audacity to call me H.O.T. even after I have rejected him.
My smile was immediately replaced by rage and I crumbled his paper and threw out of the window. I shivered on the thought of going out with him.

He had dark hair and he dressed up in an orange tee that had some weird quote paired with black jeans. He was average looking but eww the thought killed me. By the time I composed my self I found another chit right in front of me.

"Baby, let's go. I won't eat you!"

I huffed after reading and threw it out too. The guy was a complete psycho, hell-bent on making a move on me.
Who does that? I mean who keeps chasing a girl who isn't even interested. Do you?

"C'mon princess, unless you're fucking Zack, we can have a date!" Another piece of paper from a piece of shit.

I was amused at my own rhyme. I smirked knowing full well how terrified people are of Zack, not because he was some kind of football star but because his parents were influential and we all know how it works, don't we? Lucas seemed adamant and I knew he won't step behind until I said I would meet him and so I decided to give him a thumbs up for the meet and passed him a note saying Zack is my best friend and shooting him a stern look earning myself a mouthed sorry from Lucas. Looks like only a stern look was enough, I smiled. That note I wrote to Lucas killed something inside me. The word best friends created a void depressing pain in my heart. Sure, we played, we fought, we have a stronger bond but were we just friends!?

The bell pulled me out. Quickly coming to the realization that I had my literature lecture in the last with Lucas and Zack both I literally gawked at the fact. The good thing is Ms Winters our English professor is on leave for a few more days which means I have a free lecture.

"Wake up sleeping beauty" Abbott shooed away my thoughts.

"Well hello, Mr Fuck face! Don't you have any lecture to attend?" I casually said and his face lost all the colours.

"Well fuck, I'll be late I'll see you in the break!" He runs faster then I could blink.
Wow, my friends are talented. I quickly make way through the rest of my lectures and through the break which was awfully bickering and insulting each other. With Zack sitting beside me I could literally feel the tinge of jealousy from Rose. I take a look at Zack and make a mental note to ask him later about Rose.

As soon as the break was over he waved over a bye to all and hugged me as a usual ritual and reminded me that we have a free lecture in last.

Going through two more boring lectures and then finally skipping to a free literature lecture I decided to find Zack and avoid meeting Lucas but before I could do that a strong hand moved over my lips keeping me shut and dragged me towards the back stairs while I kept throwing my hands here and there which was in vain. After a minute or so the dragging literally stopped and a wave of relief washed over me.

"Think you could avoid me?" Lucas's voices reached me.

"You wish jerk" I sighed.

"Why the long face princess? Let's go have a chat in the cafeteria." He laughed tagging me along.

"You know you could just call me there was no need to scare me." I stated flatly earning another apology.

"Sorry Sarah. I'll make it up to you" I smiled at his reply. We decided to sit in the empty cafeteria and also chose table closest to the counter. He bought me a milkshake and some fries.

We talked about so many stuff we did in the vacation or we could say we talked about his oh so rich and adventurous vacation. He bored me to death. Somewhere between him saying he drunk kissed a girl in the bar back in France, I texted Zack.

Sarah: save me I am in a cafeteria with Lucas listening to his shitty stories.

Zack: be right there -_-

I couldn't comprehend what exactly his emoji meant but he was there in 2 minutes giving me an amusing look for even considering to meet Lucas out of all the people.

"Sarahhhhhh baby where did you go leaving me alone in a free lecture?" He gave me his puppy dog face

"She---" Lucas interrupted but was absolutely cut short with Zack. "Are you, Sarah? No right. I asked her." He stated Lucas which made me laugh but I had to control this.

"You didn't tell me, babe." His attempt to pout was cute. His lips were full and pink. Just perfect to kiss. I slapped my inner self for this annoying thought but Lucas was smart enough he took his cue to leave after saying me a quick bye.

"How many times am I going to save you cherry?" Zack asked after Lucas was out of sight.

"Lesser than the times I saved you from your desperate flings. Ass." I retorted back.

"You could answer in a no. Why would you meet him cherry? Do you like him? If you don't why would you meet him?" He sounded angry by the end of the sentence.

"Because he bugged me until I said yes and agreed to meet him" I marched angrily.

"C'mon don't be mad I was just asking. Who will drop me home you know my car is in service. " He called out but oops it was too late. He had no right to be mad at me.

"You have two legs, walk yourself at home. I heard walking is a good exercise." I shouted and sped up my car out of the school...

Helloooo readers! Goood morning. Blessing you all with my chapter!♥️
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