Cheat story.

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Sarah's POV.

Trust takes time to build,
a second to break and
forever to rebuild.


After the duck incident, it was quite an evening, we roamed then we walked back to the car and went home straight. The tiredness of the exams was too heavy to head out. I went home showered and went straight to dinner. I made a mental note to see the twins tomorrow since their parents are out of town. I don't remember a thing after dinner that is because I dozed off too early, I was knocked down with some sleep. I woke up so fresh but still lazy, I jumped quickly to shower and decided for a warm outfit since it was cold. Skipping out the breakfast I sped down to twin's home thinking we could go out for the breakfast. Kinda after exam relaxation. It took me half an hour to reach their place. I parked my car outside her gate, whilst I texted her if she was home.

Sarah: Hey I am outside, you home?

I waited for 5 minutes for her reply before deciding to tiptoe inside. A little surprise won't do any harm. Surprisingly her main door was open and I couldn't spot Ellie or Rose but the door was open so I am sure someone might be upstairs so I went upstairs and well there some loud Moans. To say I was in an awkward situation right now would be a huge understatement, I was standing a few feet apart from sneaking in to see my best friend and Rose makeout. I mean who wants to walk in when your best friend is making love to his girl, I threw up a little in my mouth for this thought. Silently I make my way outside again wondering what a disaster it would be if I had to see Zack and Rose together on a bed and that too naked. Ewww the imagination was so bizarre.

I sat in my car ready to go back home but Nate's Snap caught my attention. It was a video of him at Zack's home in which Zack was sleeping. Wow. Nobody can beat him in sleeping but wait if he is sleeping who the fuck is in the room? I jump out of the car full speed, all set to find who is this new guy with Rose. I quietly go upstairs, the closer I went to her room the louder were the noises. Loud sex argh.

"Hardeeeeerrr." The trembling and the drag in the voice was very evident even when I didn't see her I could say she was literally begging for the guy to do whatever he was doing and keep going.  I think the rest is better unsaid.

I peeked from the door that was slightly open. I located them on the support of the wall almost naked, he rubbed her clit like he was some sort of professional giving her all the pleasured vibes and occasionally thrusting his finger inside, she was passed out on foreplay her legs were shaking from all the activities that were going on. He kissed her neck and rubbed her clit and all that I could conclude was Zack was shitting himself so much right now. Also, the activities I saw would take me a lifetime to forget. Eww gross. This guy isn't Zack and she was so engrossed in making out that she didn't realize I was on her door. How could someone be so selfish and play with someone else's feelings for so long? I decided to record her dirty secret on my phone to break it to Zack with some proof. By the time my recorder started they were already on the bed, I couldn't quite see his face because he had buried his face in her shoulder making her moan while she straddled him. She caressed him and he caressed her. He took her underneath him while their bodies moved up and down giving them the most pleasure it seemed. I felt so bad for Zack for the news I would be giving him. They were done in nearly five minutes but I still couldn't see his face. When she came on top that is when I could clearly see his face but I didn't know who that guy was, I zoomed on his face and stopped a minute later. Damn you, Rose, you're such a bitch. Before they could really be done and see me I ran out of there.

I had two options standing out of the twin's home; one to ask Rose what the fuck was happening and second to tell Zack about what the fuck was happening. Either way, Zack would come to know so it would be better if I told him first hand. I sped down to my home first parked my car and then thought of walking to Zack's place. It was a nice time to walk not too cold, I latched my front door and turned around to see Clayton standing out there with a smirk. Man, the guy isn't even bored of his smirk but I was sure as hell was done with him so I decided it would be nice to not see his smug face anymore, I mean I see him in school is that not enough that I have to see him now. I literally mentally slap myself for liking him, I was surely blind.

"It wasn't a nice idea to slap me in between the crowd!" He said angrily

"Oh is your big fat ego wounded!?" I mimicked a cute voice.

"Sarah don't cross your limits!" I knew I was pushing his buttons by the way he talked.

"Limits? Oh boy, I wouldn't want to cross paths with you limits are so far!" I spat out in a sugarcoated voice.

"I will humiliate you in front of everyone and you'll be very helpless baby girl!" His voice was so annoying that I wanted to really throw up.

"For now take your whinny ass and please get hell out of my face, you just don't really exist anymore fuckface!" I sickly smiled and stuck out my leg as he tried to walk to his car.

"Damn you, Adams!"

"Goodbye Clayton!" Somewhat content with the little stunt I pulled I had this wide grin I really liked. It felt good to finally show him what being on the ground really means. I quickly text Zack that I am coming over so that he could kick everyone else out.

Hellooo readers. My update is here?

See you until another update!

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