Relationship and fight.

548 31 10

Sarah's POV.

You can't change someone who doesn't see an issue in their actions.


I think we all agree to one thing that is a good relationship works on with a little understanding and a lot of patience, at least that is what I thought. It was Sunday after tedious two weeks of rigorous schooling and it's attached work, we have finally reached mid-semester exams. Everything apart the school kept us on toe constantly. This was the third week in which I lazily slipped a calculus class and I am regretting it to another level. Do anything just never bunk a class like calculus because karma bites you in the ass and so is my karma biting me currently, I have a calculus test and oh well Zack is supposed to teach me. I change into a loose peach coloured crop top and denim shorts I yell out to my mother saying I will be heading off to Pearson's for some studying.
It wasn't very dark outside meaning I don't think it'll rain very soon so I decided to stroll and walk till Zack's home.

It took me 15 minutes to reach there and I was literally hungry by then because I forgot to eat my breakfast. I paraded at Zack's home as I owned it, I mean why not he is my best friend and it's the BFF code. I greet his mother with a warm hug, she was getting ready to leave for some grocery shopping with Zack's brother so I think it was just me and him considering his father was out for some work to be done. I quickly run into his room, let's get over with the calculus now.

He looked fab his in his grey tracks and a black t-shirt. He always managed to look fabulous and I on the other hand always managed to look like a fool. He is in luck with his good look and fair skin, lucky asshole. We sat down on his bed and for the another 1.5 hours I see the most patient person because I couldn't get the answer and he was repeatedly trying to make me understand the derivative of the equation finally he blew out the air and face punched me with a pillow.
You know what that means right, pillow fight and so we were smashing up pillows like there was no tomorrow until we fall on the bed over each other well even that ended up in him tickling me a lot. We broke off when we realized that we were too close for the liking.

I decided to walk back home because it was past lunch and my mind was continuously telling me to go back now.

"Hey, it's late I should be home for lunch!" I tell him checking the exact time on my phone.

"I'll drop you, how did you come?" He asked me standing up from this spot on the window.

"Of course Zackie. I flew here darling!" I stick out my tongue and a middle finger and ran straight out of the door with him already chasing me and he caught me on the corner of the street of his home.

"Where do you think you were running to?" He asked tugging me by the shoulder and I was giggling like an idiot with no care in the world, just when I relaxed another round of tickles started. 2 seconds of rigorous tickling and Zack ran away with it. I chased him halfway and took a dive on his back. Knowing him I knew he would scoop me in a piggyback and that's what he did.

"That's like my best friend Zackie!" The teens cheered on the road and the couple's smiled as we laughed over all the reaction coming towards us. The only thing I didn't know that this laugh would be faster than the blink of my eye. In case you are wondering what happened Clayton came down to see me and he was on the same road as me and Zack.

"Sarah, what are you up to?" His unpleasant voice greeted both me and Zack and I got down from the piggyback ride.

"Hey to you too!" I smiled completely ignoring his annoying ass.

"We need to talk!" And with that, I knew trouble had invited itself to my doorstep.

We fought like crazies. He blaming my way of living to say my behaviour with friends was wrong. I saw a completely different side of him that disgusted me to another level. I didn't think anyone has that right to disregard what my equation was with my friends. I was loyal enough to stick to one person there was nothing which can make me do otherwise. I put in a lot of efforts to make him understand that there was nothing that would make me put my relationship on the edge. He angrily stormed away and honestly I couldn't care more because the peace I received was just so good.

My phone chimed indicating that I received a message.

Zack: You good cherry?

Me: Absolutely Zackie.

Zack: I'll count on that. If you need anything tell me.

Me: Absolutely. I'm just gonna sleep for some time.

That wasn't just for just saying, I really dozed for the rest of the day.

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Just Best Friends!? | ✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora